Travel Guides

Top Tips For Safe LGBTQ Travel to Africa

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The African continent has a plethora of enjoyable travel options for everyone. However, the” LGBTQ Travel to Africa” community needs to conduct further research before arranging their trip because of Africa’s conservative nature. but for the people who want to visit either way we created a guide for LGBTQ travellers.

Conducting thorough research on their destination is the most important action LGBTQ travellers can take during the preparations phase to ensure their safety and comfort on a trip.

It’s critical to be aware of the cultural, legal, and security concerns that the LGBTQ population face in the places you’ll be travelling.

You should also think about your profile, whether or not that destination is suited for you, and the type of travel experience you wish to have. You do not have to avoid a location, but you must be careful of how you conduct yourself, following the laws and cultural atmosphere of the destination.

Where Is Being Gay Illegal?

The first step toward a safe African holiday is to study your selected destination thoroughly. You must learn about the laws that govern homosexuality and whether they are enforced. The following countries have criminalized LGBTQ. Algeria, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros.

Egypt (LGBTQ persons and allies are often detained or imprisoned on “debauchery” charges)

Eritrea, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana (men only), Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius (men only), Morocco, Namibia (men only), Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone (men only), Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland (men only), Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe (men only)

If you’re convicted, you could face everything from modest penalties to life in jail (in Gambia, Tanzania, Uganda, and Sierra Leone, though the latter is rarely enforced). More information regarding anti-gay laws and penalties can be found on this map.

Where is Being Gay Punishable by Death?

Being an LGBTQ member may carry the death penalty in the following African countries: Mauritania, Nigeria (in the Sharia law states only), Somalia and Sudan.


When applying for a visa, a married LGBTQ couple should use as single individuals rather than as a couple in some circumstances. Even when booking a hotel or resort, the cultural and legal context should be carefully studied throughout your vacation planning.

To remain covert or perhaps avoid legal action, it may require an LGBTQ couple to book a room with two beds rather than one and bring separate bags rather than packing goods in one bag or suitcase. Allow a trusted contact back home to be aware of your overall schedule and anyone you have met while on your trip.

 Safety and Security

Anyone travelling in a new country should know about guide for LGBTQ travellers, remaining aware of your surroundings, being careful of the culture, trying not to stand out as a tourist, and providing as little personal information as possible is the best course of action. Even in more welcoming locations, it is usually preferable to remain inconspicuous at all times to avoid bringing attention to yourself. While homosexuality is entirely legal and acceptable in some locations, societal stigmas may cause people to keep a low profile even in gay-friendly venues. It may require LGBTQ travellers to use discretion and not discuss or displaying their sexual orientation in those societies. If you are being harassed, leave the place as soon as possible and not escalate the issue confronting the harasser. If you’re being followed, find a crowded place to go.

South Africa Is A Haven For LGBTQ People

South Africa is the ideal hassle-free destination for many LGBTQ travellers. It is the continent’s only country to recognize same-sex marriage and the first in the world to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Cape Town, in particular, is known for its tolerance, with many gay-friendly clubs, restaurants, and hotels strewn across the city. However, South Africa is more than just a place of sexual tolerance. It’s also a great destination in its own right, with metropolitan cities, a diverse culture, and a dazzling array of natural wonders.

Tips for a Safe Trip

It’s important to remember that African culture is typically conservative, regardless of sexual orientation (especially in Islamic countries). Even though hand-holding between male friends is perhaps more common than in Western culture, the safest course of action is to be discreet. They often consider public displays of affection between straight or gay couples offensive.

They often regard although public displays of affection between straight or gay couples as offensive, the safest course of action are to be discreet. There’s no reason gay and lesbian tourists can’t travel securely, even in two nations with anti-homosexuality laws, as long as they’re willing to eschew public displays of affection.

Many internet forums exist where vacationers can meet members of the local “LGBTQ travel to Africa” community before arriving. This can be an excellent resource, providing you with a realistic picture of what life is like for gays and lesbians in your selected nation, as well as important information on the top gay-friendly hotels, pubs, restaurants, and tour agencies.

However, be cautious when meeting up with strangers; scams are frequent, especially in impoverished nations, and you could wind up being robbed or worse. HIV is rampant throughout Africa, and all tourists, whether straight or otherwise, should practice safe behaviour. it’s great to have a safe trip if know all about a detailed guide for LGBTQ travellers

Travel Resources for LGBTQ People

Whether you want to travel independently or with a group, various websites are worth visiting before departing. The International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) provides a one-stop-shop for LGBTQ travel information on every continent, including Africa.

Tanzania and Uganda are among the African places included, as are Mauritius, Zimbabwe, and Seychelles. Similarly, the GlobalGayz website provides a significant repository of gay travel articles, news pieces, and personal experiences from every African country.

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