Travel Guides

How To Stay Safe During A Trip in Africa

Kenya Named World’s Leading Safari Destination For The Sixth Time
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Africa’s reputation for being a dangerous place has been exaggerated over the years. It is prudent risk that exists everywhere worldwide and is not specific to the African continent. But it is important how to stay safe during a trip.

The argument that Africa is poor and is riddled with widespread poverty is used to discredit Africa as a peaceful destination. Sizable economic gaps lead to social inequity everywhere globally; the rich-poor divide produces situations of desperation, which is the perfect recipe for crime, is an unpleasant fact in today’s society and is not restricted to third-world countries.

Here is a guide to help tourists keep safe as they enjoy their safari on the African continent.

Zulu Culture

Zulu Culture .[Photo: Nomad Africa Magazine]

Always Stay Alert

While on safari, you’ll have the luxury of staying in a small, secure camp or lodge for the duration of your trip. People are often vulnerable to criminality during the transition between cities so it is important to know to stay safe during a trip. If you are in a big city before or after your safari, there are a few things to remember that will keep you safe on your once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Always Stay Prepared

Being unprepared is as good as planning to fail. Make sure you’re familiar with your itinerary and that you’ve saved all of your contacts for your trip. Ensure that you are using the services of a reputable organisation with a traceable track record. A quick search on the internet should give you an idea of whether this is a reputable firm or a fly-by-night Shelf Company. One advantage of travelling with a reliable safari organisation is having a point of contact in an emergency. Contact the company anytime you require help; this is part of the service. Missed flights, lost bags, and other mishaps can usually be dealt with quickly and efficiently. You should keep copies of your vital documents on you at all times, as well as a list of emergency contacts (such as your parents, boss, or spouse) in case something happens to you.

Do Your Homework

Africa is a large continent with 54 countries, each with its landscapes, languages, and traditions. Before you travel, do some homework about your destination and gather all the information about how to stay safe during a trip. Google Maps is a great way to get a sense of where you’re going so you know where you’re going when you arrive. The manager of your lodging will provide you with emergency contact information and the local police department’s phone numbers. This is critical information that can be pretty helpful if you get into difficulty. Make sure your hosts know where you’ll be going and who you’ll be with everywhere you go. It’s also a good idea to familiarise yourself with the legislation of the nations you plan to visit.

Know Your Surroundings

Travelling to a new place is an exhilarating experience, and it’s one of the main reasons most people want to travel throughout the world. Being alert of your surroundings can help you avoid becoming a victim of crime. Keep an eye out for other people’s actions. We often get a gut feeling about something, a person, or a location. Listen to this instinct; it’s not paranoia but a crucial instrument in the survival of most animals.

Monitor your immediate surroundings in crowded places like airports and public spaces. Is it possible that your luggage is unattended? Are your possessions not attached to your person? Are you easily distracted by someone or something, such as your phone? These may appear to be minor occurrences’, yet they are precisely what potential crooks are looking for. You’ll be one step ahead if you know how to stay safe during a trip.

Stay Active On Social Media

Because of globalisation, we are always connected, no matter where we are. Staying in touch is a snap with social media and apps, so make use of that. In your posts, photos, and updates, include geotags. This not only provides your family and friends peace of mind regarding your whereabouts, but it may also supply authorities with vital information in the event of an emergency.

Be Discrete

One rule of thumb is to be extremely discrete. When you are on holiday, we expected that you will have enormous sums of money and or valuable goods such as expensive cameras. With this in mind, keep cash and belongings (crucial documents like a passport) at your hotel in a safe. Reputable hotels all have safes for such instances, so please make use of them. If you have cash on you, don’t show it off or carry all your cash in one go; travel with your daily allocation. When going out, make sure you take what you need and be cautious when withdrawing money from an ATM.

Travel In A Group

If this is your first trip, travelling or exploring alone is not a good idea, especially at night in big cities. Where possible, go for group travel; you will feel safer in numbers and also less vulnerable. If someone who makes you feel uneasy, go to the nearest public location approaches you, such as a restaurant or a store, or, better yet, the local police station.

Africans are friendly people who will always help. The secret to having an enjoyable, safe safari in Africa is to conduct yourself as you would in any metropolis. Remember that being alert and planning time are the first steps in avoiding unfavourable situations. We recommend looking over Health 24’s comprehensive list of national emergency contacts, which you may access online or print for safekeeping.

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