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A Visit to “Africa’s Last Eden”- Gabon’s Loango National Park

A Visit to “Africa’s Last Eden”- Gabon’s Loango National Park
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The beautiful sight of thick forests and warm waters flowing downstream in the middle of Loango National Park in Gabon is a sight to behold for nature lovers. 85 percent of Gabon is covered by dense rainforest offering a spectacular array of wildlife. 

Loango has unique ecosystem christened “Africa’s Last Eden” with an expansive 100 km salty savannah and sandwiched between Nkomi and Ndogo Lagoons stretching 1,550 km lagoon. The 200 km long Iguela Lagoon is a sight to behold at Loango National Park.

The lagoons are a harbour for humongous land surfing hippos which have been featured by National Geographic’s naturalist Mike Fay. Off the coast of Loango, Gabon becomes the second African country after South Africa with the largest concentration of whales and dolphins within a range of 100 km stretch. Humpback whale species are a common sight as well as other species including crocodiles.

Loango National Park Islands characterized by long white sandy beaches make Gabon one of the best wildlife-watching spots in Africa. Elephants with their calves saunter along the beach basking in the sun from the thickets of the rain and mangrove forests.

The park has an unrivalled panorama when it comes to game watching. Buffalos, leopards, elephants dot the park while the western lowland is inhabited by gorillas, chimpanzees, sitatunga, duikers and a variety of bird species.

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