Culture Northern Africa The Beauty of Africa

Interesting facts about Marrakech, the City of Seven Saint

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Over the years, Morroco’s Marrakech’s city has earned a reputation due to its rich cultural heritage which has made it one of the most popular destinations in the North African country.

With its landmark red-painted buildings, Marrakech has demonstrated a relentless zeal in keeping visitors coming to the city. Nonetheless, there is the tag ‘The city of the Seven Saints’ that has charmed many in the recent past.

The big question though is, why this cultural city is referred to as the ‘City of Seven Saints’? Here are several interesting facts.

Burial spot for seven religious men
The ‘City of Seven Saints’ is referred to as City of Sabatou Rijal in the local dialect. The city is treated with a lot of reverence as it is the final resting place to 200 deeply spiritual men and seven among them were greatly respected in the society.

The seven who were given the honour of the name ‘saint’ had immense wisdom and spiritual strength. Their spirits are believed to be in sacred shrines known as zaouias in Moroccan dialect.

The saints include:

  • Sidi Youssef Ben Ali
  • Qadi Ayyad
  • Sidi Bel Abbas
  • Sidi Suleiman Al Jazuli
  • Sidi Abdel Aziz
  • Sidi Abdullah Ghazouani
  • Imam Souhaili

Is the main religious centre
A former Moroccan ruler, Moulay Ismail who is believed over 1,000 kids, is credited with drumming up support for the seven shrines where seven Christians who later converted to Islam were buried to be situated in Marrakech.

It is reported that Ismail was competing with the shrines of the Seven Saints of Regraga and somehow, his bid popularized Marrakech which is today, a main religious centre in Morocco.

Scattered shrines
The Seven Sacred shrines of the saints are scattered within Marrakech. There is no big fuss around them except for seven towers erected in a row near Bab Doukalla which have no signs about the Seven Saints of Marrakech.

Prayers at the shrines
The City of Seven Saint receives a relatively huge number of visitors who besides viewing them, some come here to ask for divine power and good tidings. However, the shrines are only open to Muslims who pray here for several things among them healing, spiritual strength and prosperity.

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