Destinations Eastern Africa

Enjoy an African Safari Tanzania With These Spoils 

Serengeti National Park
Written by Abraham Odhiambo

From jaw-dropping scenery to astounding wildlife, a perfect African Safari Tanzania has all you need to have a memorable experience. 

Tanzania’s national parks are a haven for a huge concentration of wild animals and bird species. The East African country has a lot of big cats and also offers tourists the opportunity to witness the mighty herds of the Great Migration. 

A visit to the wildlife paradise gives you a different experience each day as you wake up to the call of stirring birds. 

Well, your African Safari Tanzania would be incomplete without Zanzibar. The spice island boasts clear, turquoise waters, white sandy beaches and numerous historical buildings. 

An adventure in Tanzania gives you a clear picture of how great life in the African wild is. Here are the top five destinations to head out to for a memorable safari.

1. Serengeti National Park 

Serengeti National Park is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Africa. The park is where to go in Tanzania for game viewing at its most dramatic. 

From January to September, Serengeti hosts the Wildebeest migration, one of the world’s seven wonders. The vast migration includes zebras, wildebeests and gazelles, followed by their predators.


Wildebeests in Serengeti National Park. Photo/ andBeyond.

Serengeti covers around 1.5 million ha of savanna, which offers tourists a soul-stirring sense of space as they see different species of wildlife.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site has it all, from the big cats, giraffes, rhinoceros, baboons and big herds of buffaloes to bird species. 

2. Ngorongoro Conservation Area 

Ngorongoro Conservation Area, home to the famous Ngorongoro Crater, is one of Tanzania’s most popular wildlife destinations. 

The volcanic Ngorongoro Crater has attracted different species of animals due to its permanent water supply throughout the year. The stunning view of wild animals is one of the things you can’t miss on an African Safari Tanzania. 

Some of the animals tourists see at Ngorongoro Conservation Area include the wildebeests, hippos, elephants, lions and rhinos. 

3. Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara will definitely provide you with a memorable African Safari Tanzania. The national park comprises forests, grasslands, woodland and swamps. 

Lake Manyara is famous for being home to different bird species, including thousands of flamingos. It boasts the largest population of baboons in the world. Tourists at the park can observe elephants and hippos at a close range compared to other parks in Tanzania. 

The real deal to many tourists who visit Lake Manyara National Park is the tree-climbing lions. The phrase ‘tree-climbing lions’ sounds bizarre to anyone who has never seen this behaviour.

Lake Manyara

Tree-climbing lions in Lake Manyara. Photo/ Southern Destinations.

A visit to Lake Manyara guarantees an opportunity to see the unique lions climbing trees. 

4. Arusha National Park 

Arusha National Park is another suitable destination for a memorable experience on an African Safari Tanzania.

Despite occupying a smaller space than other national parks in Tanzania, Arusha is awash with numerous species of wildlife and birds. Arusha National Park has everything from black and white Colobus monkeys to migrant waterbirds. 

Apart from seeing the wildlife species, tourists also visit the park to climb Mount Meru. Mount Meru is one of the most beautiful mountains in Tanzania.


Arusha National Park. Photo/ Keys Tours.

The beautiful mountain’s summit provides an incredible view of the volcanic cone lying thousands of feet below the crater. 

5. Zanzibar Beaches 

After interacting with wildlife in different places, Zanzibar is the perfect destination to complete your African Safari Tanzania. 

The archipelago of islands has some of the best beaches in the world. You will find soft white sand and clear shallow water along traditional boats in the island part of Tanzania. 

The fantastic beach holiday destination is unique, with rich history and lots of character.


A stunning beach in Zanzibar. Photo/ Destguides.

How Much Does a Safari in Tanzania Cost? 

A Tanzania safari costs $ 200 on average per person in one day. Midrange price goes from $ 350 per person per day, while a luxury safari ranges from $ 600 upwards per person in a single day. 

Which Safari is Best in Tanzania? 

Ngorongoro Crater delivers the easiest and most reliable sightings of the Big Five. The conservation area arguably provides the best safari in Tanzania. 

Kenya is a better-known safari destination compared to Tanzania. Most of Kenya’s prime national parks and game reserves are busier throughout the year than the tourist destinations in Tanzania. 

Kenya has followed the route to low-value and high-impact tourism, prioritizing quantity over quality. 

About the author

Abraham Odhiambo

Abraham Odhiambo is a writer with interests in nature, travel, African safari and sports. I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in Media and Communication at Egerton University.

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