Culture Food

11 Most Delicious Traditional Breakfast Food in Nigeria

traditional breakfast food in nigeria
Written by See Africa Today

Traditional breakfast food in Nigeria is a big departure from what many parts of Africa enjoy in the morning. It doesn’t include tea, especially for those in the rural and semi-urban areas. Morning meals are nutrition-dense and beverages come as an afterthought. Naija people are proud of their culture and they practice it in their daily lives.

As it is, food is a big part of the Nigerian way of life. So, the next time you visit rural Nigeria; be ready to enjoy heavy traditional meals as breakfast.  This article explores the 11 most popular traditional meals you will enjoy in the biggest country in West Africa by population.

Traditional Breakfast Food in Nigeria

These are the most popular meals on your plate for breakfast whenever you find yourself in the land of the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba people.


What is a Traditional Nigerian Breakfast

Yams are complex carbohydrates and a staple food in Nigeria largely grown by farmers from the Igbo tribe. Photo/YouTube/Tasty City

Yams are complex carbohydrates and a staple food in Nigeria largely grown by farmers from the Igbo tribe. Its high energy content, minerals, vitamins and minerals make it a super traditional breakfast food in Nigeria. A yam represents these three things according to the Nigerian culture:

  • Wealth
  • Fertility
  • Success

Additionally, it can be prepared in different ways among them deep frying, boiling, pounding and roasting.

Egg Stew

Eggs provide protein needs to the country’s huge population of 229,152,217 people as of 2024. Most people enjoy boiled eggs while others enjoy an egg stew prepared with onions and tomatoes and served alongside fried or boiled yams.

Ewa Agoyin

Ewa Agoyin is boiled beans later fried in palm oil together with spicy dried pepper and onions. The pepper gives the beans a sauce-like serving which is paired with traditional bread or the famous agege bread.

Ata Dindin and Boiled Plantain

This is a simple but satisfying Traditional breakfast food in Nigeria. Ata dindin is a pepper, tomato and onion sauce fried in palm oil and then served as an accompaniment for boiled plantain. Some people add eggs, dried fish or meat to this sauce to make it more protein-rich.

Beans and Fried Plantain

breakfast food in nigeria

A bean and egg stew for breakfast in Nigeria. Photo/TasteMade

Beans, just like yams are a staple food in Nigeria. They are fried in pepper sauce and then spiced up. Fried plantain pairs well with this spicy bean stew.

Dodo and Fried Eggs

Dodo refers to thinly sliced plantains with sprinklings of salt deep fried in palm oil or butter. They are served with seasoned eggs fried in butter or other healthy fats.

Moi Moi

Did you know that beans can prepare a pudding by steaming? That’s what Moi Moi is. Steamed beans wrapped in banana leaves and served with custard for a protein-carbohydrate balance.


Akara is a traditional bean cake prepared from black-eyed peas. The process of preparing it involves:

  • Soaking
  • Boiling
  • Blending
  • Deep frying in palm oil

They are nutritious, circular, golden-brown cake balls downed with a bowl of vegetable soup. You can add onions and pepper to get a rich flavour.


Mangoes, pineapples and oranges are common breakfast options in Nigeria. The country’s tropical climate largely supports the growth of these three fruits among others.


Top 10 Best Food in Africa

Fufu and some soup stew. Photo/Taste Atlas

Fufu is a staple and popular food in Nigeria besides Jollof rice. It’s prepared from pounded yams or cassava which are cooked into large balls. Chicken stew, beef stew and okra stew pair up well with a serving of fufu which is greatly satiating.

Acha/fonio Porridge

Think of acha or fonio porridge if you are looking for a healthy gluten-free breakfast option. Acha are tiny grains native to West Africa usually milled and used to prepare porridge. Most include ground peanuts and, or milk to complete the nutritional requirements.

What is a Traditional Nigerian Breakfast?

A traditional breakfast food in Nigeria is a combination of two or more foods blended. For example, egg stew served with deep-fried or boiled yams. Alternatively, fufu is served with chicken stew. Essentially, each traditional meal provides all the needed dietary needs in one plate. While culture also plays a huge role in what is offered for breakfast, a growing need to maintain a healthy lifestyle also plays out.

Traditional Nigerian foods are delicious, gratifying and nutritious. Processed breakfast options still have nothing on the traditional foods of Naija.

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See Africa Today