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All about Ethnographic Museum in Rwanda

All about Ethnographic Museum in Rwanda
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Ethnographic Museum in Rwanda is an astounding piece of Belgian architecture dating back to over three decades ago.  

Formerly the National Museum of Rwanda, it stands as one of the exotic buildings in the Huge District. It speaks of rich cultural history of  Rwanda with comprehensive reports on different people from different tribes and the diversity in character. The museum charges an entry fee.

 Ethnographic Museum has an award-winning archaeological collection from all parts of Rwanda with seven exhibition halls, each having something unique to tell the world about Rwanda.

 One of the halls has a museum shop with the best of souvenirs while another has a wide display of Rwanda’s geological layout. The other hall in the middle tells of Rwanda’s agricultural history as well as hunting, carpentry, pottery and weaving among women.

 From here, Kagondo huts stir curiosity with the neatly arranged huts symbolizing the colonial times. The last hall features a string of traditional outfits such as isinde (a raincoat) a cap made of goatskin and other garments. Intore dancers and drummers also entertain guests here.

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