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Where to visit in Kenya during Christmas

Where to visit in Kenya during Christmas
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People have different ways of spending the Christmas holidays and it is just about that time when some are reconsidering how to best spend their time this festive season.

For some, Christmas is a time to get together with other family members or join friends but, there is also the undecided lot who would love to have some quality time over this festive season but have no idea where or how to do it.

Worry not. Kenya has some of the best places for a Christmas holiday.

Turkana in Kenya

Turkana’s beauty remains unexplored. The story of Turkana’s tourism is thrilling and enchanting. Lake Turkana – the largest alkaline lake in the world – is a sight to behold as the lake gives life to the otherwise arid region inhabited by the Turkana people. The greenish-blue colour of the lake is a trademark which has earned it the name “The Jade Sea”.

National parks in Lake Turkana; Sibiloi National Park, South Island and Central Island National Parks are a wonder to behold as they exist in the middle of a desert. Sibiloi National Park is described as the “Cradle of Mankind” due to its rich prehistoric sites covered by stark forests.

South Island National Park is a volcanic island that is home to 34 species of birds that are believed to have migrated from Europe such as Goliath heron, African skimmer, and African open-billed stork. The largest bird of prey, the swallow-tailed kite is common here. Besides, the park has the largest concentration of crocodiles in the world.

For campers, there are great locations within the national parks and others along the lake Turkana shores such as Lobolo Tented Camps.

Rusinga Island in Kisumu

Rusinga Island Lodge

Rusinga Island Lodge Kenya. [Photo by Flickr]

Kisumu’s tourism glory is partly pegged on the beauty of Rusinga Island Lodge with stylish and modern rooms furnished with state-of-the-art décor. The lodge is a picturesque piece of architecture and a serene string of impressive activities to engage in including fishing in Lake Victoria with plenty of enormous and tasty Nile Perch. Jet skiing and swimming are available.

If you are the kind who loves sitting back and watching the world go by, the lodge has vantage points for you to relax as you enjoy the views of  Lake Victoria.

Nairobi National Park

Nairobi National Park

Nairobi National Park Kenya [Photo by Budget Safaris]

Taking pride as ”the World’s only Wildlife Capital”, Nairobi National Park offers a dose of life in the wild in one of the most unexpected places. The park plays host to some of the big five members; lions, buffalos, leopards, the black rhino can be seen. Giraffes, hyenas and Zebras dot every corner of this expansive park at the heart of Kenya’s capital. Game drives take you through the width and breadth of the park’s wildlife scenery in such an impressive manner.

Then, there is Emakoko Tented Camp, situated within the vicinity of the park. The lodge cements the real feeling of life in the world. Visitors can also enjoy the park’s picnic sites, campsites and walking trails for hikers.

Read more:

7 little-known beautiful places you must visit in Kenya

Emboo River, Maasai Mara’s Eco lodge


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