Adventure Beaches

What is Special About Diani Beach?

what is special about diani beach
Written by See Africa Today

What is special about Diani Beach in Mombasa, Kenya? Cabin Zero, a British website recently named Diani the best African white sand beach and 5th best in the world.

It’s a popular holiday destination for local tourists. The beach on Kenya’s south coast has retained this ranking for years now. Big 7 also included this coastal white sand beach among the top 50 best beaches in the world in 2022.

Two years later, it holds the same allure. See Africa Today tells you the secret fanning its fame locally and internationally.

What is Special About Diani Beach?

Beauty, a peaceful ambience and ocean adventure partly answer what is special about Diani Beach. Most domestic and international tourist have this beach destination on their bucket list. Let’s find out why it is such a prestigious holiday destination.

Natural Beauty

The scenery in Diani is breathtaking and magical to watch. Palm trees line up on the beach’s border and they create a wonderful tropical backdrop.  Picnic lovers and leisure walkers enjoy the cool breeze provided by the trees. Sunsets are also beautiful while at the beach. You watch the sun go down far into the horizons of the Indian Ocean.

Diani Beach

Diani Beach. Photo/Muthaiga Travel

Great Swimming Spot

Ocean waters in this are clear making it an amazing place to swim. Also, the Indian Ocean is calm here due to coral reefs present. Corals have a purifying and calming effect which is good for swimmers. Safety swimmers are always on standby.


There is minimal pollution at the beach. The government works effortlessly in making it clean always. Private facilities within the beach area regularly clean the beach by ensuring there are no pollutants such as plastics and glass.

They also practice eco-friendly operations through waste segregation, recycling and elaborate waste collection management. Additionally, these private facilities organize regular clean-up initiatives to keep the beach clean.

Rich Marine Life

A section of the beach is a marine reserve. The Diani Chale Marine National Reserve has lots of corals and exotic fish species like butterfly fish, parrotfish and angelfish. This protected area keeps the beach and surrounding areas clean and beautiful. Marine life lovers enjoy underwater activities such as:

  • Snorkelling
  • Scuba diving

Dolphins love this spot and tourists enjoy swimming with them. You will occasionally spot humpback whales during the migration season. Endangered sea turtle species such as hawksbill and green turtles are common in the marine reserve within Diani.

There are mollusks, sea urchins and starfish at the bottom of the coral reef

Diani Beach

Diani Beach. Photo/Focus East Africa

Jet Skiing

Jet skiing is an amazing water sport absent on most African beaches. However, it is common in Mombasa, particularly on the south coast. The calm waters of Diani add jet skiing fun as amateurs get a chance to learn more and enjoy it while at it.


Kaya Kinondo believed to be a sacred forest adds to what is special about Diani Beach. The UNESCO World Heritage Site added Kaya Kinodo to its list for its unique vegetation and cultural impact. This forest has densely populated woods in Mombasa and an ancient home belonging to the Mijikenda people.

Trees in this forest have a medicinal value and they contribute to the region’s quest for herbal medicine. Some Mijikenda traditional rituals are conducted in the wooded groves of the forest.

Luxury Beach Hotels

Diamonds Leisure Diani

Diamonds Leisure Beach & Golf Resort. Photo/ Planhotel Hospitality Group/YTPR

Visitors love Diani for its wide accommodation options. There are many luxury beach hotels all with exciting ocean views. Further, there are great budget hotels in the vicinity for budget travellers looking for a good time at the famous Kenyan beach.

Popular luxury beach hotels include:

  • Diani Reef Beach Resort
  • Bahari Dhow Beach Villas
  • Diamonds Leisure Beach & Golf Resort
  • Lantan Galu Beach Hotel
  • Southern Palm Beach Resort

You also have Swahili food and culture whenever you are at the beach.

What are Some Interesting Facts about Diani?

There are several interesting things about this beach located on Kenya’s south coast besides its pristine and peaceful nature. They are as follows:

  1. Kaya Kinondo which is a sacred forest is in the vicinity of the beach
  2. Diani Chale Marine National Reserve has the best marine experiences
  3. Watersports such as kitesurfing, surfing, jet skiing and swimming are in plenty
  4. Shimba Hills National Reserve is close to Diani
  5. Mijikenda and Digo traditions influence the culture of the locals within this region
  6. The Diani Annual Festival is the best of its kind as it brings together local communities and international guests
  7. There are a lot of old baobab trees within Diani
  8. Colobus monkeys are plenty at the Colobus Conservation Center nearby
  9. Some of Kenya’s best beach hotels are here

A visit to Diani is worth every effort. The clear and calm waters invite you for a swim or jet skiing. The white sand of the beach and palm trees make your picnic a memory to remember always.

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See Africa Today