Adventure Nature

5 Safari Destinations Kelis Kenyan Visit Exposed to American Travellers

kelis kenyan visit
Written by Teresa Mwangi

Celebrated American chef singer/songwriter, Kelis Kenyan visit marked the start of a promising year for celebrity travel to Africa.

She arrived in Kenya a few days ago and she is having a time of her life touring different places in the country.  Born Kelis Rodgers in Harlem, New York, she grew up exposed to the culture of arts in the Big Apple. Her father Kenneth Rodgers was an African-American jazz artist who also doubled up as a professor at Wesleyan University.

He exposed his daughter to arts at a young age especially when he performed in concerts and in church where he also served as a Pentecostal minister. Her mother, Eveliss Rodgers encouraged a young Kelis to pursue her musical dream as a young girl. Decades later, she finally actualized her dream to visit Africa.

How Kelis Kenyan Visit is so Far

She is enjoying the beauty and scenery in this beautiful East African country. Kelis Kenyan visit started in the capital city of Nairobi.

Nairobi City

She visited one of the biggest craft markets within the city and shopped for handcrafts such as Maasai beads, and bracelets among other things. But what stunned her about Nairobi’s CBD is its busy nature with fast-moving traffic always keeping her on her feet while crossing different streets.

kelis kenyan visit

American singer/chef Kelis in the streets of Nairobi. Poto/Kelis TikTok

“Well, pedestrians here don’t have right of way first of all,” she says in one of her TikTok videos while in the city.

Her presence in Kenya caught the attention of Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja who appears in one of her TikTok videos touring the country with her.


Her next point of visit after leaving the city was Viewpoint along the Nakuru-Nairobi highway. It is a 45 minutes-drive stopover and it is a popular tourist spot due to its stunning scenery. Viewpoint has a 3600 view of the Great Rift Valley Escarpment which is more than fascinating.

The Great Rift Valley unfolds before you like a work of geological art from Viewpoint which is elevated to a high degree. The escarpment is a massive wall sculpted by millennia of tectonic activities with its jagged peaks reaching upwards. Its floor, as far as the eye can see is covered by lush valleys which create a beautiful illumination from afar.

This escarpment’s scale is astounding and it dwarfs everything in its path. Its immense size makes you appreciate the works of nature especially because it is one of the few remaining active volcanoes in the region. Surprisingly, Kelis Kenyan visit is more of edu-travel because she took her fans through an escarpment master class. The Great Rift Valley stretches through countries like Tanzania, Ethiopia, Jordan, Mozambique and Lebanon.

Governor Sakaja accompanied her to Viewpoint while explaining the interesting details about it.


Elementaita is the basin of Kenya’s Rift Valley. Lake Elementaita is a sight to behold with hundreds of flamingoes on its waters.  The abundance of wildlife here is just as beautiful as the avian display. The black and white stripes of the zebras stand out against the emerald embrace of the acacia trees as they dance over the plains. Hippopotamuses, rough keepers of the rivers, snort as they lounge in the mud; giraffes, gentle giants with curious gazes, elongate their necks to graze on leaves.

But the charm of Elementaita is not limited to the living. The Sleeping Warrior Hills loom in the distance. The Sleeping Warrior Hills appear in the distance, their sleeping shape acting as an old sentinel watching over the lake. Their emerald and ochre-hued hills whisper stories of long-forgotten tribes and weathered time.

kelis kenyan visit

Lake Elementaita in Kenya’s Rift Valley. Photo/Lake Nakuru National Park


Soysambu Conservancy is an amazing place for adventure due to its wildlife sights and intentional conservation practices. With more than 12,000 species, Soysambu is home to some of the most recognizable wild animals. Giraffes, lions, elephants, and leopards roam this vast conservancy without much of a care.

Besides, there are more than 400 bird species which keeps birdwatchers busy all day enjoying every sight.

Kericho Tea Zone

The massive Kericho tea plantations deeply impressed during Kelis Kenyan visit. Kericho is at the heart of the Rift Valley and it is famous for its production of high-quality tea. Every corner of this county has rich volcanic soils supporting the growth of millions of tea bushes. They create breathtaking sceneries full of verdant green tea bushes.

About the author

Teresa Mwangi

Teresa is a journalist with years of experience in creating web content. She is a wanderlust at heart, loves travelling and telling stories about tour and travel in Africa by every angle.

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