Travel Guides

Welcome To Kenya! Here’s Your Ultimate Hiker’s Guide

Kenya fantastic hiking
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Kenya has many fantastic hiking trails, ranging from rocky,  volcanic to steep and mountainous terrains. They include varying levels of difficulty and topography.

Kenya’s diverse landscape means you’ll be surrounded by unique and gorgeous sights.  On every climb, scramble, and stroll beautiful open savanna plains to summits of jagged peaks and craggy mountains await you.

Here’s how to make the most of your time in Kenya by hiking.

Climbing Kenya’s highest mountain, Mount Kenya

Climbing Mt Kenya through Sirimon Route. [Photo by Bountiful safaris]

Why Should You Go?

Hiking provides a unique opportunity for people to get some exercise. You can get away from the distractions of daily life, and view and be in tune with nature. Kenyans have developed a significant interest in hiking, trekking, and exploring in recent years.

Weekends and holidays are the most popular times for them to travel. Domestic tourists are on the rise, as indicated by travel companies offering low-cost weekend packages that include hiking and sightseeing.


The majority of the routes are easy, such as park trails and nature walks (Ngong Hills, Nairobi Arboretum, and Karura Forest). Still, others, like the Zaina Forest Trail, Mt Elgon, and Kakamega Forest, are difficult. Mt Kenya is among the most dangerous and exhausting walks in the world.

This hiking track is for experienced hikers only, and visitors should have their guides and equipment. The topography, the long-range, and the near-freezing temperatures, thin air caused by changes in altitude make it difficult. The recommendation is for people to work out a few weeks before the climb to prepare their bodies for it. Because it is not too rough or twisting, the Kakamega Forest hiking track is ideal for beginners.

The Environment

Kenya is such a diversified country, with a wide range of landscapes. Mountains ranges are generally steeper, but nature trails and parks are usually flatter and easier to navigate. Craters exist as well, which are flat on top but steep on the sides.

The geography, soil, and types of flora all impact how challenging a hike will be. Mount Elgon contains a lot of moorland and little summits with beautiful views. Caves, woodlands, and geothermal springs can be found on the mountain. Many local guides can assist hikers in selecting a trail and itinerary.

When Is The Best Time To Visit?

For different trails, there are distinct climbing seasons. The climbing season on Mt Kenya, on the other hand, runs from July to October. Long rainfall in Kenya from March or April to May or June, followed by short rains in October, November, and December. People avoid hiking during the rainy season because the trails get slick, and the weather becomes cold and cloudy.

Where To Get Food

Naivas and Nakumatt are two supermarkets in the country that feature a wide range of commodities. Water and food are available at various businesses depending on the county. There are also numerous little shops and markets where you may get fruit and other necessities. The majority of these hiking paths include canteens near the entrance, but some of them are pricey. The best option is to purchase food before arriving.

Routes To Take

The majority of the hiking destinations have well-marked trails with multiple paths to choose from. There have been reports of hikers getting lost in various parts of the nation, so having a guide is usually a good idea. If a person is hiking in unfamiliar territory, they should always follow a guide.

When going on a group hike, keep an eye on the other members to ensure no one is left behind or becomes disoriented. Some routes pass through the forest, and visitors may come across wild creatures if they stray off the path. However, it is always preferable to stick with the guide to know how to manage the issue best.

What Are The Well-known Hiking Destinations?

There are several paths up Mount Kenya, and the climb takes five to six days. The Menengai Crater is located over Nakuru Town and has a diameter of 12 kilometers (7.5 miles). It is over 500 meters (1650 feet) deep and has a diameter of 12 kilometers (7.5 miles).

It takes roughly six hours to complete the hike. The Mt Longonot hike is another popular hike. The hike takes a day, and the peak is 2100 meters tall (6890 ft). The steep and rocky terrain makes it quite exhausting, yet it is the ideal group trek.

The Kakamega Forest route is a short hike with exciting flora and fauna. The forest’s location is particularly advantageous because it allows visitors to investigate various lodging possibilities. There are many guest rooms and campgrounds, and visitors can hire guides to assist them. There are a few peaks on Mt Elgon that are ideal for rock climbers.

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