Travel And Tour Packages Travel Guides

Travelling in 2024? Try the Greener Zanzibar Experience

greener zanzibar
Written by Teresa Mwangi

Beyond the picture-perfect paradise off Tanzania’s coast is a developing conservation movement, Greener Zanzibar now emerging as the perfect destination for tourists. With its immaculate beaches, blue waters, and rich cultural legacy, Zanzibar is redefining the world of tourism with a personal touch on the environment.

In case you are wondering what this ‘greening Zanzibar’ is all about and how it supports tourism; read on and find out.

What is Zanzibar Best Known for?

Undoubtedly, Zanzibar is a globally recognized tourist destination. It is an ideal getaway with immaculate beaches topped with fine white sand, colourful coral reefs brimming with marine life, and a laid-back island vibe. This is not all. Talk of an enthralling fusion of Arabic, African, European, and Indian elements which creates a different aura. Stone Town, the ancient centre of Zanzibar City, is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Greener Zanzibar. Photo/

Further, a major factor in Zanzibar’s attraction is its lengthy history of the spice trade.  The economic life of the island is bolstered by spices such as nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon in addition to their olfactory qualities. Still, the idea of greener Zanzibar is gaining momentum, pushing beyond the typical draws.  The island’s tourist industry is changing with the mushrooming of eco-lodges using sustainable practices. In addition, diving in the Indian Ocean, which Zanzibar is famous for, is more ethical in reef conservation than it was years ago.

What is Greener Zanzibar About?

Greener Zanzibar aims to promote eco-friendly tourist methods inside the Zanzibar archipelago. It seeks to strike a balance between tourism’s economic and environmental components. Essentially, it emphasizes on making Zanzibar a benchmark for environmental conservation. This movement supports tourism entities that lead in environmental conservation by establishing, eco-lodges, dive shops and sustainable diving in coral reefs. Furthermore, it backs community-based tourism initiatives that guarantee tourism benefits all parties involved.

Travellers also play a role in promoting eco-tourism on this island. How? By picking ‘Greener Zanzibar’ excursions

What is the Best Time to Visit Zanzibar?

Your personal preferences determine when is the best time to visit Zanzibar.  The dry season (June to October) has calm seas and sunshine, making it the ideal time of year for diving and snorkelling.  But the peak season also means more people and sometimes more expensive costs. There’s a nice balance during the shoulder seasons (April-May and November).  The weather is still nice, there are fewer people around, and accommodation rates are lower.

Consider going down to greener Zanzibar during the off-peak months of December through March if you’re on a tight budget.  There are light showers from time to time, but they’re usually short. On the good side of it is you enjoy the quietest beaches and the lowest prices. If you are an introvert, choose to go in the shoulder seasons, when there is less tourist traffic.

What is the Difference Between Tanzania and Zanzibar?

The two largest islands in the Zanzibar archipelago are Unguja (also called Zanzibar) and Pemba.  Zanzibar is a part of the United Republic of Tanzania that has some political autonomy.  It shares the Tanzanian Shilling as its currency and a defence force with mainland Tanzania, but it has its own president and administration.

greener zanzibar

Unguja Island. Photo/Eden Tours and Travel

Due to its special history as a trading hub, Zanzibar has developed a unique cultural character.  Here, as opposed to Tanzania’s mainland, Arabic and African influences are more noticeable.  Tanzanian and Zanzibari dialects differ slightly, despite Swahili being the primary language in both places.

With a valid Tanzanian visa, visitors to Zanzibar do not need to apply for a second one.  Nevertheless, you will still pay an additional entry fee when you get to the airport in Zanzibar.

Is Zanzibar Cheap or Expensive?

The cost of a trip to Zanzibar can vary greatly depending on your travel style.  Luxury resorts and peak-season travel can be expensive.  However, budget-friendly options exist, including guesthouses, homestays, and local restaurants.

Here’s a breakdown of what it would cost to be in Zanzibar.

  1. Accommodation: Budget guesthouses start around $20 per night, while mid-range options range from $50 to $100. Luxury resorts can easily exceed $500 per night.
  2. Food: Local street food is incredibly affordable, with meals costing around $5. Sit-down restaurants with a focus on fresh seafood can be pricier.
  3. Activities: Snorkeling trips and basic excursions can be found for around $30-$50. Diving expeditions and high-end activities naturally cost more.

When looking at your budget, take into account greener Zanzibar option comes with a slightly higher price tag associated with eco-lodges.

What Language do they Speak in Zanzibar?

Swahili is the dominant language spoken in Zanzibar, as it is in mainland Tanzania.  English is widely understood in tourist areas, making communication relatively easy.  In addition, languages such as Italian, French and Spanish are common among the staff in different hotels and lodges.


Greener Zanzibar is becoming more and more appealing to tourists looking for an experience that helps the local community and the environment.

About the author

Teresa Mwangi

Teresa is a journalist with years of experience in creating web content. She is a wanderlust at heart, loves travelling and telling stories about tour and travel in Africa by every angle.

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