Destinations Western Africa

Why You Should Visit West Africa and North Africa

Why You Should Visit West Africa and North Africa
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Tourism is still in its infancy in the western part of the continent. But the baby steps some of these nations are making inspire questions on why you should visit West Africa and North Africa.

Aside from the all-inclusive vacations making The Gambia and Ghana popular destinations there is something interesting about this part of Africa. Nevertheless, the region cannot compete with East and Southern Africa, in terms of the number of tourists who visit.

However, the west and the north have charming tourism aspects exclusive to these places only.

You have a guarantee to experience the generosity and kindness that West Africa is known for because there are fewer tourists visiting.  You get an opportunity to indulge in traditions and rituals associated with it.

In addition, there are some truly breathtaking and beautiful landscapes, deserted beaches plus incredible music and nightlife. You also get excellent opportunities for hiking and some of the most vibrant and chaotic markets.

The Gambia is among the safest countries in Africa

The Gambia is among the safest countries in Africa. Photo/The Gambia Experience

Why Should I Visit West Africa?

A relatively unexplored culture and destinations is why you should visit West Africa and North Africa. The region is popular for its extensive history and varied cultural traditions.

The primary attractions of Niger and Mali are characterized primarily by landscapes and structures made of mud. Slave forts on Goree Island and along the coast of Ghana are also popular tourist destinations.

Besides the slave forts, the following factors make it worthwhile visiting this region.

  • Cultural diversity
  • History
  • Outstanding architecture
  • Breathtaking landscapes
  • National parks
  • Mountain climbing

Popular destinations here include

  • Mali
  • Niger
  • Senegal
  • Ghana
  • Cameroon
  • Gabon

What Makes West Africa Special?

History makes West Africa special among other compelling reasons why you should visit West Africa and North Africa.

Gold and salt were the primary commodities exchanged back in the pre-colonial era dating back to centuries ago. African empires such as Ghana and Mali benefited tremendously from the wealth offered by West Africa’s gold mines.

Ivory, kola nuts, fabric, slaves, metal products, and beads are among the popular goods that merchants traded. The rich history boiling down to governance is enthralling and you can almost feel it when in West Africa.

Additionally, the range of geological features found in West Africa is very impressive. The region, like the majority of Africa, has ancient Precambrian rocks estimated to be at least 541 million years old.

Why do People Visit North Africa?

North Africa is home to a number of beautiful beaches, in addition to an oasis and quaint mountain communities. This region provides visitors with an experience that is both endlessly gratifying and exhilarating.

These are just a tidbit on why you should visit West Africa and North Africa. Besides, Africa is quickly becoming one of the most popular international travel locations.

The World Tourism Organization says this enormous continent has had a precipitous rise in the number of tourists over the past several years.

Tourism in Africa’s east, central, and southern regions dominates the market but North Africa is quickly catching up. As a result of improvements in safety, an increasing number of visitors are looking at the North to spice their wanderlust experience.

The World Tourism Organization cites a growth of nine per cent in the number of tourists visiting North Africa in 2019. This makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world today.

Contrary to a fallacy about the region’s sweltering heat and terrorism, it’s now a haven for history and tradition. The people here are friendly and inviting.

In case you’re wondering where to visit in North Africa, look at the following countries.

  • Morocco
  • Tunisia
  • Egypt
  • Algeria
North African sights

The magnificence of North Africa. [TripSavvy]

Why Should Everyone Visit Africa?

Visiting Africa for the purpose of going on a wildlife safari, mountain climbing, or vacation in camps is typically the primary motivation for tourists. This is part of the reason why you should visit West Africa and North Africa.

With reputable parks, hotels, hiking trails and mountains, there are other reasons to visit Africa. Here they are.

  • Tropical beaches
  • Bubbly Cities
  • Camping Life
  • Enchanting landscapes
  • Water safari
  • Culture

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