Culture Western Africa

Nigeria’s 79-year-old crocodile worshipped by locals

Nigeria’s 79-year-old crocodile worshipped by locals
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Among the most feared reptiles besides snakes, are crocodiles. In spite of this fear for the giant reptiles found in many parts of Africa, a family in Oje suburb of Ibadan City in south-western Nigeria shocked many across the globe after it emerged that they had not only reared a 79-year-old crocodile but also worshipped it.

The Delesolu family, reports BBC, has passed on the baton of taking care of the giant reptile from one generation to another.

So powerful is the tradition inculcated here that locals of the area graciously visit the crocodile and feed it with chicken before making short prayers which they say; are answered.

Though there are several people who hold that the reptile has no spiritual powers, a majority of the locals in this region maintain that their prayers are always answered every time they pay the reptile a visit.

In some African countries such as Egypt and Gambia; a crocodile symbolizes virility and fertility.

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