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Zanzibar’s tourism activities resume as Tanzania is declared coroanvirus-free

A holiday at the ‘Spice Islands’ of Zanzibar
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Zanzibar, the renowned tourism destination world all over has is back to normalcy after a period of no activity due to coronavirus pandemic.

Zanzibar’s Minister of Information, Tourism and Heritage MohamoudThabit Kombo recently announced that all tourism activities are back with charter and scheduled flights back.

“Zanzibar today has opened its tourism activities to normal both for charter flights and scheduled flights,” Kombo stated in a presser.

From last weekend, most entertainment joints and hotels on the island opened their doors to tourists, something that Kombo confirmed.

“All tourist hotels, restaurants, and bars in Zanzibar are open from today,” Kombo told Xinhua.

However, all visitors are required to comply with laid down regulations by the government including adducing certification that they are COVID-free.

Besides this, the government will screen every visitor entering Zanzibar and has already designated isolation centers to hold those who may show COVID-19 symptoms. Here, they will undergo comprehensive tests.

Zanzibar’s bubbly tourism life shut down on March 20 when the Tanzanian government ordered the closure of hotels, and other joints visited by tourists.

Two months later, it has opened up the country while other East African countries mull on protocols to adhere to the reopening of their tourism sector.

Zanzibar is Tanzania’s leading source of foreign exchange. Its closure has dealt a huge blow to the Tanzanian economy just like the other sectors have.

In 2018, this island with a population of 1.4 million people generated $135 million in revenue and created 22,000 direct and 50,000 indirect jobs. Half a million tourists visited the island in 2018.

Read more:

Amazing Foods Of Zanzibar That You’ll Love

3 Islands In Zanzibar You Should Visit


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