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Tasty traditional food in Côte d’Ivoire

Tasty traditional food in Côte d'Ivoire
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Ivorians largely identify themselves through food culture, just like in many other African countries where particular types of foods define a people. Here are the most popular Ivorian dishes you shouldn’t miss.

Peanut Butter Stew

Peanut Butter Stew

Peanut Butter Stew . [Photo by Eater NY]

Coated with peanut flavour, peanut butter stew served with white rice leaves nothing to the imagination. The stew is prepared with tomatoes, pepper, and okra. Vegetables are mixed in the peanut butter sauce and left to simmer. 

Kedjenou With White Rice


Poulet-Kedjenou [Photo by hyokin kyokki recipes]

Kedjenou is a typical Ivorian spiced meal comprising of chicken stew cooked with different vegetables, covered in banana leaves – its signature preparation method.  It is served with white rice. 

Allocco with grilled chicken/fish


Alloco with rice. [Photo by YouTube]

Allocco refers to super brown crispy fried plantain bananas and the best accompaniment is marinated then grilled or barbecued chicken/fish and a little bit of sauce (onions and tomato mixture blended into a paste).

Baked Yams

This is an authentic Ivorian dish. Yams are boiled until soft, mashed and then mixed with eggs, butter and salt. It is then baked in the oven for 15 minutes and served with sprinkles of nutmeg and cinnamon.



Alloco, locally knowin as Alloco in Ivory Coast. [Photo by pinterest]

Garba, otherwise known as Attiéké has an unrivalled reputation as the traditional “king of street food” in Ivory Coast. This delicacy is made from grounded cassava shaped into couscous. It is served with deep-fried tuna fish seasoned with tomatoes, chopped onions and pepper.  

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5 best restaurants in Maputo, Mozambique

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