Adventure Culture Destinations Nature Safaris In Africa Southern Africa

Four thrilling places that makes Zambia a top tourist destination

4 daring things to do in Livingstone, Zambia
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Visiting Zambia can be one of the most thrill-seeking excursions in Africa! From its culture mired in controversy of dark arts to its quadripoint status; it gives you more than one reason to keep going back to vacation.

But why should you visit Zambia, one might ask? Here are some reasons why.

 Quadripoint status

Four countries: Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia meet at a single point in Zambia near the Zambezi River and Cuando River christened the ‘Four Corners of Africa’. At this point, you really cannot tell which is the best country to view the Zambezi River from.

Victoria Falls

Victoria falls Africa

An aerial view of Victoria Falls [Photo/AirPano]

It is the largest waterfall in the world and one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World with spectacular views from either Namibia or Zimbabwe. It is fed by the Zambezi River and remains one of the most visited tourist spots in Southern Africa. Locally, the waterfall is known as “Mosi-oa-Tunya” meaning the “smoke that thunders”.

The iconic Victoria Falls is more than a kilometre long and measures 100 metres in height. Its thrilling nature has given birth to the Victoria Falls Canopy Tour which is very popular in Matabeleland North Province in Zimbabwe.


Victoria Falls Bridge [Photo by Britannica]

The epic Victoria Falls Bridge linking Livingstone town in Zambia and Victoria Falls town in Zimbabwe is a stunning piece of engineering.

Earlier referred to as the Zambesi Bridge, it is now a major tourist attraction in Southern Africa that remains standing over 115 years since its construction was initiated by Cecil John Rhodes. He intended to link the southern part of Africa from Cape Town to the north in Cairo, Egypt. Construction work began in 1903 under a British engineering firm, Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Company and was completed in 1905.

This marveling piece of engineering is198 metres long, 128 metres high and measures 156 metres across the Zambezi River which is below Victoria Falls. About 1,500 tons of steel were used in its construction by 400 workers who built it in 14 months.

The bridge cuts across the Zambezi River and catches the beautiful sight of the spray water particles from the Victoria Falls. It is a splendid man-made wonder. Today, Victoria Falls Bridge’s rail is the only link between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

 Visiting the thrilling Livingstone Town

Livingstone town. [Photo by Lonely Planet]

If you ask someone who has been to Livingstone District in Zambia to describe it, the response may not do justice to the spectacular adventure this treasured place offers.  In fact, Livingstone is best described as the epitome of adventure in Africa given its rich endowment of scenic sites.

The Victoria Falls micro flight is one of the breathtaking moments above the sky where you enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful Victoria Falls and Zambezi River while strapped onto a paraglide contraption. Interestingly, a paraglide is harnessed onto a motor that powers it and allows you to take off from the ground. Once in the air, it is wind-powered.

If you are an adrenaline junkie, then, bungee jumping from the Zambia-Zimbabwe border bridge is the perfect undertaking for you.  We cannot help but mention, you can choose to go with your head first and later take a swing. Isn’t this a real test of courage? Also, you can zip line from one end to the other.

 Swimming at the Devil’s Pool

Devil's Pool Victoria Falls

Sitting at the Devil’s Pool, Victoria Falls [Photo/Spirited Pursuit]

Devil’s Pool is situated adjacent to the famous Livingstone Island at the top of Victoria Falls and is run and operated by Tongabezi Lodge in Zambia.

The thousands of years of erosion has formed rock pools, Devil’s Pool being one of them, at the very precipice with the waters of the Zambezi flowing past one and gushing below. This is not for the fainthearted and it is only habitable during the dry season (July-October) when the water level is quite low.

Read more:

The Stunning Victoria Falls Bridge Linking Zambia To Zimbabwe

The famous and amazing River horses of Luangwa in Zambia


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