Adventure Beaches

9 Best Surf Spots Zanzibar Has For You

Best Surf Spots Zanzibar
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The East African coast is an amazing holiday destination that validates your dream to partake in an array of water sports. Fortunately, you can do so at the best surf spots Zanzibar.

Surfing in this magical Island that is the pride of East Africa is such a fantastic recreational activity to undertake. The experience is unbridled with joy and adventure.

If you want to go surfing in Zanzibar, the months of June through October or December through March are the best. Why? Because the weather is perfect for surfing.

Nevertheless, knowing how where to head to satisfy your surfing adventure is a different story. But See Africa Today brings you the best surf spots Zanzibar.

Is There Good Surf in Zanzibar?

Some of the best surfing conditions in the world are in Zanzibar. Right-hander waves are prevalent throughout the southeast coast, making it an ideal location for surfing.

Unlike other tropical island surfing destinations, the reef in Zanzibar isn’t as savage. Flat and rocky are the two most common descriptions of the landscape.

These are the best surf spots Zanzibar.

Best Surf spots Zanzibar

Best Surf spots Zanzibar. Photo/Flightlink


This beach is known for its lively atmosphere and stunning scenery, which includes clear waters and white sands. Since there are both low and high tides at the beach, you need to schedule your visit just right in order to have a rewarding and successful surfing experience.


At the breathtaking Paje Beach, which features optimal winds, big waves, and perfect tide, you can engage in the sport of surfing. You can purchase surfboards and receive instruction from local surfing schools if you want to learn how to surf.

The excellent ambience here makes it one of the best surf spots Zanzibar has.


Nakupenda Beach is a lonely beach that is approximately 20 minutes by dhow from Stone Town. This beach is known for its tranquillity and isolation, and it only sees about 20 tourists each day. At this beach that is a mile long, you have the opportunity to go surfing.


The waves in Tamarins are gentle and perfect for first-timers. It is primarily composed of sand, with some seagrass and flat rocks underneath. The wave is stunning, and it breaks in such a way that it allows you to achieve your first open-face wave even as you ride beneath the belt. And that’s why it is among the best surf spots Zanzibar has.


One of the best places to go surfing is along the reef in Dongwe. The waves there are good for novices, but advanced surfers may stay out on the water for longer without being hurt.

But it is relatively difficult to get to because of its windy nature and the fact that boats have to take a detour around the reef to get there.


You may get away from the throng and enjoy your surfing sports in peace and solitude on the sandy Jambiani Beach. It is a tiny beach and rather calm – which is why it is the best surf spot Zanzibar has.

The tide is typically low at this beach, making it an ideal spot for surfing.


Here, you may find wind conditions that are great throughout the entire year. You can also get assistance from local schools, all of which can help make your experience here ideal and unforgettable!

Surfers with more experience can take advantage of the waves that are stronger, while novices rent equipment from the shore.

South Reefs


Surfing in Tanzania. Photo/Trip Legend

There are reef breakers around the southeast coast that are suitable for beginning surfers. Because there are so many different wave types, the region provides surfers with a wide range of challenges to choose from.

You might have a very unforgettable experience surfing if you are an intermediate or advanced surfer because you ride with the larger waves.

Pwani Mchangani

The beach that runs along Pwani Mchangani is one of the best surf spots Zanzibar offers. It is the perfect place to learn how to surf in all of Zanzibar because the water and weather conditions are consistently favourable.

The area is home to a surfing school that teaches tourists how to surf and sell/ rent equipment like surfboards. It is absolutely necessary to be aware of the wave and tide times in order to surf in a manner that is both enjoyable and safe.

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