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6 Reasons ‌Why You Should Live in Morocco

Why you should live in Morocco
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Africa is a great place to be until your sunset years which is why you should live in Morocco. This North African country is a popular place to live in and a great tourist destination.

As a matter of fact, did you know Morocco is only nine miles from Europe. Located on the north-western edge of Africa, Morocco is Europe’s gateway to Africa.

It is a peaceful and easy country for foreigners to stay in. With beautiful landscapes to explore, this North African country is Africa’s only one with coastlines on the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

The diversity here is among the reasons why you should live in Morocco. It is a colourful country, and it’s never boring. Living in Morocco will change your mindset. The norms and culture are very different. There are many good reasons for considering a move to Morocco at some point in your lifetime.


Essaouria in Morocco. Photo/Enchanting Travels

Visit Unforgettable Places

Mountains, deserts, and beaches are excellent reasons why you should live in Morocco. When living in Morocco, you should find something to meet your preferences. The Atlas Mountains feature many waterfalls, rivers, and hiking and biking trails. If the desert strikes your fancy, you can go to the Moroccan part of the Sahara for camel rides, dune boarding, and ATV trips.

Spend some time at the beaches with clean, and clear water which makes swimming a delight. The coastal area is also ideal for windsurfing and fishing.

A Warm Welcome

Moroccans are hospitable, welcoming and great people to live with. They are grateful and happy when visitors come to experience the traditions, cuisine, and history. It’s not uncommon to strike up a conversation in a restaurant and then find yourself at a family dinner with your new friends the next day. It’s just what they do! The more the reason why you should live in Morocco.

The Delicious Food

7 Moroccan foods you must taste

Harira soup comes from Morocco and combines beef, chickpeas and plenty of tomatoes [Photo by Cooking The Globe]

Many people travel to Morocco just for food. Moroccan cuisine effectively uses spices. The food is mostly a combination of Moorish, European, and Mediterranean cuisines. Enjoy local dishes such as couscous, omelettes, chicken, lamb, and freshly grilled sardines.

Tagines, a delicious dish of slow-roasted veggies, meats, and local spices typically served in a red clay pot is also another popular dish. The food is always flavorful and colourful, usually using fresh spices such as cumin, turmeric, and black pepper.

Moroccans also enjoy some unique foods, such as camel meat and snails. Going to the souks to pick your spices and cook at home is also a unique experience while living in morocco.

Races and Unique Cultures

There is a rich and diverse history in Morocco that includes different dynasties, the Romans, the Berbers, Jews, Spaniards, Africans, and Arabs.

Although the main religion in Morocco is Islam, there are also Jewish and Christian communities. There is no need to worry about fitting in when moving to Morocco. The people love socializing and helping you discover their country. Wherever you are from, you will feel welcomed.

The Cost of Living

The average cost of living in terms of food and accommodation in Morocco is cheaper than in other countries. Live in Morocco and enjoy fun tours and activities without breaking the bank.

A 3-course meal in a nice restaurant goes for $12. An average tourist restaurant serves meals for about $5, and a cheap local restaurant will serve meals for $1 or $2.

Produce from the street market will be even cheaper; you can get huge bags of fruits and veggies for $1 each, and you can get loaves of bread for only a few cents each.

Hostels are also cheap, the average hostel price for a touristy city is about $7. The cheapest hostels are $5 to $6, and the expensive ones are $20.

Regardless of where you stay, you’ll find life in Morocco to be quite cheap, especially compared to pricier countries such as the USA, Australia, and Europe. Isn’t this a reason enough why you should live in Morocco?

The Sensory Experience

Dating a Moroccan Woman

Dating a Moroccan Woman. Photo/Culture Trip

If you’re still wondering, “Why live in Morocco?” The sensory experience in Morocco is another reason to add Morocco to your bucket list. Morocco is a true roller coaster with many colours, scents, and sounds especially in the cities and towns. In the Medinas (a walled maze of streets often including courtyards and street markets) the constant chaos will overwhelm you.

Giant mountains of colourful powdered dye, vibrantly patterned pots, and donkeys carrying carts of watermelons will cross your line of vision. You’ll hear locals yelling in Arabic and catchy Moroccan music playing in the background.

You’ll smell rich spices, sugary pastries, a tagine roasting on smoking charcoal, and the strong scent of leather from a local tannery.

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