
Richard Branson’s Mahali Mzuri In Kenya Named Best Hotel Worldwide 2021

Mahali Mzuri Kenya
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Richard Branson’s exclusive Mahali Mzuri Luxury Safari Camp in Kenya’s prestigious Maasai Mara has a new elevation as the world’s best hotel in 2021.

On a vote on Travel and Leisure, Mahali Mzuri emerged as the best hotel in the World’s Best Awards 2021.

The 12-tented luxury safari camp is located in the private Olare Motorogi Conservancy in the wider Maasai Mara ecosystem.

Branson, an English business magnate and founder of Virgin group running at least 400 companies started the luxury safari camp in 2007.

Mahai Mzuri in Kenya'a Maasai Mara

Mahai Mzuri in Kenya’a Maasai Mara. [Photo/ Maasai Mara National Reserve]

The Coming Of Mahali Mzuri

It was the same year that the local community in Narok mainly inhabited by the Maasai Community bestowed him as an elder. The reason, his move to build the luxurious Mahali Mzuri brought a lot of prosperity to the region.

Branson who months ago took a space flight in Virgin Galactic which he partly owns was notified of the opportunity to invest in the Mara.

Then, former Kenya Tourism Federation chair Jake Grieves Cook noted that the Mara ecosystem was in peril. And the only way to save it was through development and he thought of Branson.

He reached out to other like-minded investors informing them of the opportunity that would conserve Maasai Mara and benefit the local community. That was the beginning of the beautiful story that is Mahali Mzuri, a Swahili name loosely translating to ‘a beautiful place’.

While the luxury safari tent may seem just like an ordinary thing, those at Mahali Mzuri will surprise you. Each tent is ensuite with beautiful décor, cozy bedding, expansive windows, and a door leading to a deck. Here, you can catch sunrise, sunset and watch wild animals on the prowl.

What Mahali Mzuri Offers

“Due to Mahali Mzuri’s excellent location on the Kenyan plains, you’ll have a front-row seat, not just to the annual great migration, but also to the abundant game you can see all year round. During our twice-daily game drives, you will have the opportunity to see lions, wildebeest, elephants, giraffes, and cheetahs, but that’s just for starters!”

This is a message of the camp’s website speaking of half of what the luxurious camp has to offer.

Watch Wildebeest Migration Realtime Via Video At Mahali Mzuri

At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 – a peak season for the Great Migration – Mahali Mzuri gave an experience like no other.

The camp offered a real-time virtual safari on the Great Migration from the comfort of its luxurious tented suites.

Tourists conventionally enjoy epic game drives in the Maasai Mara while watching thousands of elands, zebras, gazelles among others. They enjoy the sights of wildebeest making a leap across the vast savannah and cross the crocodile-infested Mara River and into the Serengeti.

Catch Mara's Great Migration Realtime via video in luxurious Mahali Mzuri

Mahali Mzuri. [Photo by Virgin Limited Edition]

Due to travel restrictions imposed then by the Kenyan government, Mahali Mzuri resorted to a live feed to keep their guests in the loop. Every detail of the annual wildebeest migration streamed live at the tented suites.

Vanessa Neal, Group Director of Sales and Marketing of Virgin Limited Edition told Forbes that: “Our virtual safari experiences over the last few months have been hugely popular with viewers, so we’re thrilled that we’re able to continue the Mahali Mzuri episodes during the famous migration season.”

She added: “Our weekly live game drives from both Mahali Mzuri and its sister property Ulusaba, in South Africa, have given many something to look forward to every week, at a time when they can only dream of travelling and what better way to see one of the greatest wonders of the world, rather than missing out completely this year.”

One More Reason To Be In Mahali Mzuri

The fact that the camp is tucked deep in the wilderness must not take away the thought of a superb meal. Here, the cuisines are simply astounding! You get to enjoy a fantastic international cuisine prepared by resident chefs in the hotel.

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