Destinations Northern Africa

North Africa: 7 Unique Places to See in Egypt

5 interesting facts about the Egyptian Pyramids you did not know
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Does the thought of unique places to see in Egypt ever cross your mind? The truth is that visiting Egypt is phenomenal.

The fact that the Bible extensively mentions Egypt makes it such a thrill to visit. And there is plenty to see here.  These are the most historic places you should visit whenever you are in Egypt.

Giza Pyramids

They are the tallest structures on the planet and top unique places to see in Egypt.

Only in Cairo can modern architecture be topped by a beautiful 4,000-year-old complex of royal pyramids, temples and causeways. Any visit to Cairo must begin with a visit to these magnificent structures.

Their route takes them from Menakaure, the smallest pyramid on their way to the Pyramid of Khafre, the second-largest, and finally the Great Pyramid of Giza.

It was built on the orders of the King Khufu. You can travel down in the afternoon to escape the smog.

5 interesting facts about the Egyptian Pyramids you did not know

An image of the Sphinx and a pyramid in Giza in Cairo Egypt – Architectural Digest

The Sphinx

It is a mythical creature for centuries ago and that’s why it ranks among unique places to see in Egypt. A short journey to the city side of the Giza Plateau, on the west bank of the Nile, will bring you to the feet of the Sphinx.

It is a symbol of ancient Egypt and one of the world’s most visited attractions. Giza has been guarding the world’s only remaining Wonder of the Ancient World, the Great Sphinx, for thousands of years.

The mystery edifice – which has a lion’s body and a human head – looms over the city for thousands of years.

Museum of Antiquities

The Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, located in the heart of Cairo, just outside of Tahrir Square, is one of many museums in the city dedicated to Egypt’s illustrious past.

When in town, make sure to stop by the museum, which has more than 120,000 ancient Egyptian artifacts on display. Take some time to wander through the museum rooms.

They are a dedication to some of Egypt’s most affluent dynasties. Also, learn more about life under the rule of the pharaohs during their time in office.

The Virgin Mary’s Church

Virgin Mary's Church

Virgin Mary’s Church. Photo/Egypt Today

Popularly known as the Hanging Church, the Virgin Mary is definitely among unique places to see in Egypt. The church literally hangs from the ceiling.

It is built on the remnants of two ancient towers from the Fortress of Babylon and features hefty doors with ebony and ivory inlay. There are marble pillars with a rustic interior design.

In the past, it served as a palace for the Coptic patriarchs of Alexandria, and a venue for synods that decided when Easter should be observed.

Khan el Khalili Bazaar

Entrance into Medieval Cairo, also known as Islamic Cairo, will take you on a journey through the realm of spices, luxurious garments, and fragrant perfumes. This is just one of the reasons listing it among unique places to see in Egypt.

The region contains a number of monuments and mosques dating back to the Islamic period, but the Khan el Khalili market, which was built in the 14th century, is unquestionably the most popular attraction.

A terrific spot to pick up mementos, and if one trader doesn’t have what you’re looking for, they’ll go out of their way to find you something else that does.

Keep in mind to bargain when you’re out buying something.

The Mosque of Al-Azhar

Al-Azhar Mosque, built in 970 CE, is one of Cairo’s more recent mosques. It is definitely among the top unique places to see in Egypt! And its Grand Imam is widely regarded as the country’s most authoritative theological figure.

Over the course of 1,000 years, the building was enlarged multiple times, resulting in a harmonious blend of architectural styles throughout the building.

While the centre courtyard is the most recent addition, it features three minarets that date back to the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.

The edifice also serves as the home of the second-oldest university in the world (established in 988CE). The varsity has a huge, modern campus and is considered the most prominent venue to study Sunni theology in the world today.

Coptic Museum

Coptic Museum

Coptic Museum. Photo/Lonely Planet

This museum is devoted to the Coptic language and tradition. Therefore, it deserves a seat in unique places to see in Egypt.

It is this museum’s witness to the fact that Cairo’s allure stems in large part from its hodgepodge of religions and cultures. In 1908, it was established to contain Coptic art, which dates back to the earliest days of Christianity in Egypt.

The museum continues through to the early days of Islamic civilization. It is possible to see remains of the Ptolemaic period in the sculptures and fabrics on display in the galleries, as well as full walls covered in monastery frescos.

It is on the first level that you will find the world’s oldest book of psalms. The Psalms of David, which still has its original oak covers on display.

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