Destinations Eastern Africa

Nigerian Zainab Oladehinde: What Went Wrong at Zanzibar’s Warere Beach?

Warere Beach
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If you were to pick a coastal holiday in Tanzania, chances are you would head out to Zanzibar and book your stay at the now infamous Warere Beach.

Moments ago, this prestigious Zanzibar establishment came to the limelight for all the wrong reasons, if a narration by Nigerian solo traveller Zainab Oladehinde is anything to go by.

The hotel is in Nungwi, and 60 seconds away from the beach. It is strategically positioned being a stone’s throw away distance from Mnarani Aquarium famous for Marine Turtles Conservation Pond.

What Happened to Zainab Oladehinde at Warere Beach?

Warere Beach

Zainab Oladehinde at Warere Beach. Photo/iHarare

While vacationing in Zanzibar for her 23rd birthday, Oladehinde alleged to have been molested by a serial sex offender.

It was Oladehinde’s first solo journey to Zanzibar in April 2021. All she wanted was a merry time.

Taking to Twitter, Oladehinde narrated it all. She arrived in Zanzibar on April 16 2021 at 4 pm ready for her six days of holiday. Her room had both a pool and sea view.

Though excited, she was so sleepy. She ate her dinner and retired to bed the first day. Oladehinde planned on exploring Warere Beach and getting into vacation mode before beginning her tourist activities.

The beach and the pool were both wonderful places to spend the morning. Some Russian couples were also staying at the hotel where Oladehinde from Lagos was staying.

However, she slept a little more in the morning hours. A few hours into her slumber, she started to feel a strange hand stroking her breast. This was a dream, but she was lying naked on the hotel bed with her doors locked, so it must have been real.

Oladehinde reported that after a few minutes, she began to sense her hands massaging someone’s nether regions.

“At this moment, I opened my eyes to confirm if it was actually a dream or I was in real danger. Low and behold, it wasn’t a dream. There was a naked man lying on my bed and touching me at 2 am in my hotel room,” she narrated.

“He started calling me “baby” and then I became scared because the room was dark as I had switched off the lights before I went to bed. Now, I was extremely scared I asked the man “who are you?” But all he kept saying was ‘baby, baby’.”

Oladehinde made an attempt to shout right then and there. To keep her from screaming, he swiftly put his hands over her lips.

She was terrified since she had no idea who or why this stranger was in her room at Warere Beach. The Nigerian was thinking about a lot of different things at the same time.

Oladehinde could not wrap her mind around the fact that she was being molested on her birthday. She was perplexed as to how the man got into her room yet she was sure she locked it.

Afterwards, Oladehinde began to weep, while quickly thinking of methods to divert the man.

As she pleaded with him not to rape her, he kept speaking Swahili, and she couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. It is then that she told him that she was HIV positive and that he should use a condom.

It was a lie she made up to keep the intruder away from doing the unthinkable. But, the man stopped and turned to strangle her. The man left in a huff promising to be back with protection.

She switched on her lights and tried to call the reception but it couldn’t go through. She then sent a message to the hotel’s owner.

Oladehinde sought refuge in the Russian couple’s room where she stayed all night. She reported the incident the following morning at the police station but nothing much happened.

What Does Warere Beach Say About This Incident?

Warere Beach

Warere Beach. Photo/

According to Warere Beach Hotel, Zainab Oladehinde refused to pursue her case further.

The hotel’s management declared that because it is a “woman-owned” business, they take the safety of their guests very seriously.

“We tried our best to support Oladehinde as soon as we learned of the accusations. We immediately brought her to the police and offered her support,” stated the hotel said.

“The case was brought before Government authorities when it occurred. The police report indicated that this was a personal case, and not negligence on the part of Warere.”

The hotel stated that the victim had decided not to pursue the matter any further.

Warere Beach was ready to foot for the damages as per Zanzibar’s court system but Oladehinde was unwilling to pursue the matter further.

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