
Wealthy Elites Can Tour Kenya On Private Jet For $125,000

Emirates Private jet
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Emirates has a new travel private jet deal redefining travel for wealthy elites traveling to Samburu, Laikipia, and Maasai Mara.

The three regions are part of Kenya’s top-rated holiday destinations with exclusive boutique hotels tailored for the wealthy.

Travel in 2021 into exclusive locations in Kenya is picking up after a tumultuous 2020 that left the tourism industry on its knees thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Holidays and vacations in the wilderness – which Laikipia, Samburu and Maasai Mara offer in abundance are at their peak.

Emirates Private jet

Emirates Private jet. [Photo: Airbus Corporate Jets]

Emirates Private Jet

And private jets add up to this beautiful experience.

According to Kenya’s Ministry of Tourism, Roar Africa partnered with the ministry in populating “A-list wildlife destinations” to suit the needs of international elite travelers.

Roar Africa for South Africa CEO Deborah Calmeye told Business Daily that the firm has curated the best destination for elite holidaymakers.

“We have painstakingly selected profound destinations and intimate wildlife discoveries to reveal what must be done to ensure that Africans, nature, and animals survive and thrive,” said Deborah Calmeyer, CEO Roar Africa for South Africa.

With the deal, the Emirates Executive Private Jet Safari is an African travel company. Its target market is global elite travelers looking at a Kenyan holiday in exclusive destinations but in the wilderness.

They include Ol Jogi (Laikipia), Arijiju (Laikipia), Angama Mara, Cottar’s Tented Camp, Segera Retreat, and Finch Hattons in Tsavo.

Exclusive Travel Package

Each holiday package enlists 10 travelers for a 12-day safari across Africa whose love for the African wild is unrivaled.

The package includes a tour to Victoria Falls between the borders of Zimbabwe and Zambia and the stunning Okavango Delta in Botswana.

In Kenya, the package includes a star visit to the Maasai Mara National Reserve and catch action on the Great Migration. Another trip to Rwanda goes to the awe of trekking with mountain gorillas.

The safari cost $125,000 (Ksh13.7 million) for each person.

The Emirates A319 Private jet from Dubai has a maximum capacity of 10 people, each with a private suite. It further features a spa, a big lounge, and a powder room.

Calmeyer is optimistic that it offers the best for reclusive elites with a knack for wildlife conservation in Africa and love adventure.

“Our goal is to change the philosophy and their worldview. I believe this is the most impactful safari experience on earth and it will make the wildest dreams come true.”

PJ Scott, Roar Africa chief operating officer adds that Kenya is a favorite destination for US travelers looking for luxury.

Existing luxury travel for the elite charge at least $20,000 (Ksh1.9 million) per person.

The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) says the country’s luxury travel only operates to a single destination especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Most countries closed their borders as part of containment measures.

KTB’s Wausi Walya says the new product offering end-to-end luxury travel to different countries is the first product on offer by premier airlines.

“It is an itinerary package for the high-end group from one destination to another. Most of the other companies tend to do just to one destination,” she said.

She adds that Kenya is ready for all of this because “there is a class of Kenyans who can afford these places.

Upgrading Mara Airstrip

A fortnight ago, Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) announced that the government is focusing on upgrading the Angama Mara Airstrip in the Maasai Mara into a fully operational airport.

This is in a bid to boost tourism in the region that receives thousands of visitors every year.

The Maasai Mara is at the heart of Kenya’s tourism due to the annual wildebeest migration. At least two million wildebeest and zebras cross to and from Serengeti to the Mara. It is the seventh wonder of the world.

Angama Mara Airstrip in Narok is 1,260 meters long. KAA envisages expanding it to 23 meters from the current 18 meters. Also, fencing will be done in the first phase.

Angama Mara Airstrip

Angama Mara Airstrip. [Photo: Trip Advisor]

According to KAA, the upgrade comes in three phases. When complete, the airstrip will be elevated into a fully-fledged airport handling large aircraft.

It will add to Kenya’s list of airports meeting international standards. Currently, Kenya has four airports of international standards.

They are the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), Mombasa International Airport, Kisumu International Airport, and Eldoret International Airport.


Upgrading the airstrip will hive off the land from the Maasai Mara National Reserve. The airport will take up 44.7 hectares of land. The National Lands Commission acquired the land from Manati Limited.

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