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Tsavo National Park, home to Kenya’s Big five

Tsavo National Park, home to Kenya’s Big five
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Situated in one of Kenya’s scenic areas, the Tsavo National Parks are the country’s biggest parks – Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park – standing along Kenya’s coastal region.

Tsavo stretches 22,000 sq km, making it one of the world’s largest national parks and home to the Big Five. Tsavo West has a variety of animals such as Maasai lions, buffaloes, black rhino, African elephants and leopards due to its cool and wet nature. Its mountainous terrain surrounded by swamps, Lake Jipe and Mzima Springs has aided in an increased population of the big five and other animals such as hippos, Maasai giraffes, bush baby, lesser Kudu and hyenas.

Kenya’s highest population of African elephants is at Tsavo West National Park which is also home to Maasai lions christened the “man-eaters”. Today, the park boasts of maneless lions traversing the expansive area protecting its territory and hunting down its prey.

Tsavo National Park accommodation

Tsavo National Park Kenya Hotels and Lodges [Photo by The Holiday Dealers]

Also, the swampy nature and presence of Lake Jipe have made it a spectacle for bird watching and giant Nile crocodiles. Tsavo West can be accessed through Mtito Gate, Man-Eaters Gate, Chyulu Gate and Maktau Gate.

On the other hand, Tsavo East which is flat and dry has four entrance points; Manyani Gate, Voi Gate, Buchuma Gate and Sala Gate. Yatta Plateau, Lugard Falls and Galana River pass through this part of Tsavo.

[Video by Ali Satar]

Did you knowTsavo East and Tsavo West are separated by the Nairobi-Mombasa highway and railway line

Editor’s recommendation:

A walk with the lions in Senegal’s Fathala Reserve for $470

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