Adventure Safaris In Africa

Main Highlights of Safaris in Kruger Park, South Africa

Safaris in Kruger park
Written by Abraham Odhiambo

From the thrill of tracking the big cats to hearing their calls get nearer over the vast savannah, the experience of safaris in Kruger Park is unmatched. The iconic Kruger National Park is the most prestigious game park in South Africa and is known for offering the ultimate safari experience which includes stunning views, diverse landscapes, world-class services and luxurious accommodation.

Whether you dream of exciting morning drives or guided bush walks as well as birdwatching and photo safari, Kruger National Park got you covered. With that said, let’s embark on a journey into the wilderness of Kruger and find out the various safaris on offer.

1. Family Safari Holiday

African safaris

A family on safari game drive in Kruger. Photo/ Moafrica Tours.

One of the most popular safaris in Kruger Park is the family tour packages. Spend a few days in Kruger with those nearest and dearest to you creating unforgettable memories in the wilderness of Africa. With this safari, you’re guaranteed personal attention as there’s a dedicated ranger with you at all times telling more than you’ve seen on TV. There’s also plenty of adventure for the young ones including games, jungle gyms, bush Olympics and face painting.

2. Romantic Safari 

Kruger National Park is also a top destination for lovers who want to experience nature at its finest together. In addition to the game drives and magnificent wildlife sightings, this romantic safari also guarantees honeymooners refreshing sundowners, drinks in the African bush and private dinners. Also, couples can indulge in fireside romance, champagne baths and spa treatments.

Kruger National Park

Safaris in Kruger Park. Photo/ Gems Of Africa Safari & Tours.

3. Premier Safari Collection 

This is it. The premier safari collection is a dream come true for any adventure-seeking person. Extravagant luxury, supreme service and exceptional game drives as well as bush walks are the highlights of this safari. Three-day luxury fly-in Kruger offers tourists an opulent safari that includes exceptional hospitality, silver-spoon service, high-end accommodation, and gourmet dining.

4. Traditional Kruger National Park Safari Comfort

Led by an experienced guide, the traditional Kruger National Park safari comfort is an exciting adventure worth exploring with family and friends. With everything being taken care of, your work will be going to the bushes for big five viewings and also seeing a variety of other species. Also, your group can spend time lounging by the pool and sipping cocktails while watching the sun go down.

5. Classic Kruger Safaris 

Spend a few days on a classic Kruger safari that reflects the original traditional safari experience before super luxury lodges take over the scene. This safari combines wildlife viewing with the traditional culture of the Kruger Park regions as you get to enjoy traditional meals and interact with the Shangaan culture.

Kruger National Park

A family of elephants in Kruger National Park. Photo/ Rhino Africa.

Which Is Better Serengeti or Kruger?

A good number of tourists are often divided between Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and South Africa’s Kruger National Park. This is because both destinations are amazing and offer the ultimate safari experience.

Deciding on which of the two is the better choice is a bit tricky because both have wildlife varieties, and offer big five sightings and breathtaking views. While both Serengeti and Kruger are vast, the former should be your choice if you want to witness the great migration. Serengeti also edges Kruger when it comes to wildlife profusion in that you can see animals at almost every turn. During safaris in Kruger Park, you can drive for more than 30 minutes without seeing any wildlife.

Is Kruger National Park Good for Safaris?

Yes, Kruger National Park has the greatest diversity of wildlife in Southern Africa, making it the perfect choice for game viewing and safaris in general. Apart from spotting wildlife, you can also enjoy other safari adventure activities in the park.

How Much Does the Kruger Park Cost?

Whether locals or foreigners, anyone visiting Kruger must pay a conservation fee for each day spent in the park. South African citizens and residents who have ID are charged $7 per person while foreign visitors pay $27. However, foreigners who are Southern African Development Community (SADC) nationals with passport pay $14.

What Months Are Best for Safaris in Kruger Park?

The best months to visit Kruger National Park are May, June, July, August and September. During the aforementioned months, the grass thins out and wildlife congregates around rivers and waterholes making it easy to spot them.

About the author

Abraham Odhiambo

Abraham Odhiambo is a writer with interests in nature, travel, African safari and sports. I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in Media and Communication at Egerton University.