Adventure Safaris In Africa

Pelumi Nubi, the first Nigerian Woman Driving Solo from London to Nigeria

pelumi nubi
Written by Teresa Mwangi

Pelumi Nubi is the latest sensation as the first Nigerian woman to drive solo from London to Lagos. She is now making a dream she had for many years a reality of life.

Travel is a second name to Pelumi and she loves it to bits. She left London on January 30, 2024 for Nigeria. Nearly 20 days into her travel, she is halfway home. Her road manifest from the UK took her through France and Spain and into Africa through Morocco. She will then drive across Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Ghana, Togo, Benin, and finally Lagos, Nigeria.

Who is Pelumi Nubi?

Pelumi Nubi is a Nigerian-born travel content creator based in the United Kingdom where she has lived since she was 10 years old. She is a Black woman living the dream of travelling solo to and from different parts of the world. Pelumi says her desire to travel is purely to show people that travel can be simple, safe, and achievable.

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Nigerian travel content creator Pelumi Nubi is driving from London to Nigeria. Photo/Pelumi Nubi

Immigrating to the UK with her family when she inspired her to travel to different places in the world and learn.  So far, the Nigerian solo traveller has visited over 70 countries across the world. She still has her challenge up to visit every country in the world before she is too old to travel.

Why is Pelumi Nubi Driving from London to Europe?

She wants to demonstrate that driving from Europe to Africa is possible for every black female solo travelers. It’s about seeing this magnificent continent, challenging myself, and maybe encouraging some of you to follow your ambitions as well, she notes. Some days are filled with so much excitement and others, not so much!

The solo black female traveler as of February 19, 2024 was in Morocco’s Sahara Desert after exiting Europe through Spain.  So far, she is grateful making it this far and although she has a long way to go to Nigeria, she feels so inspired.

“As a solo black female traveler, I want to show that adventures like this are possible. It’s about exploring our beautiful continent, pushing my limits, and hopefully, inspiring some of you to chase your dreams too,” she says.

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Pelumi Nubi’s car which she is travelling in from London to Nigeria. Photo/Pelumi Nubi

With a mildly rugged terrain in some parts Morocco, Pelumi Nubi cruising in a pretty small but comfortable car is rewriting the rules of travel. She says that you need no 4×4 to travel. Pelumi has since nicknamed her Peugeot car OLUWA-LUMI which means it’s God that lights my path.

“Whoever said you need a 4×4 to conquer the Moroccan Atlas Mountains clearly never met me and Lumi! Solo driving from London to Lagos, this adventure has been nothing short of epic, but driving through Morocco’s mountainous twists and turns has been a highlight that’s hard to beat. Dahm the thrilling, heart-pounding journey, feeling more alive with every passing moment! My goodness the views! I have now used all the wows!!! I got left,” she wrote on her Instagram page.

How Much Does it Cost Travelling from London to Nigeria By Road?

Pelumi is yet to put a solid figure to it but she remarks that it is an expensive affair.

“Let’s be real – it’s a big investment. After a year of planning and saving. Here we are!” she responds.

Although she has travelled by road to other destinations, her London-Nigeria solo drive is so far her biggest test. She admits that she wasn’t 100% prepared for this journey but she still took a leap of faith and it’s all worth.  To cut her budget, she sleeps in her car which has a customized bed done back in London. Is it comfortable enough and does she like it? Pelumi Nubi opens up that it is the best thing for her.

“For the freedom, folks! It allows me to be spontaneous, cuts costs, and adds a dash of excitement. I honestly wanted to see if I can push myself out of my comfort zone and do something different.”

This adventure is a testament to chasing your dreams, no matter crazy it might be! Pelumi’s life’s motto is “START YOUR JOURNEY” even when you are scared and your vision isn’t clear. Touring the world on her tiny Sedan Peugeot gives her life a lot of meaning. She pushes herself to unimaginable levels and lives to tell beautiful stories of her solo travel across the world.

About the author

Teresa Mwangi

Teresa is a journalist with years of experience in creating web content. She is a wanderlust at heart, loves travelling and telling stories about tour and travel in Africa by every angle.

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