Besides the ongoing African Cup of Nations (AFCON), one more reason to fly to West Africa is to see and experience the best tourist attractions in Cameroon.
Many people refer to Cameroon as “Africa Miniature” since it encompasses all of Africa’s diversity within its borders. This West African country is a tourist haven.
Here are the best tourist attractions in Cameroon that will fascinate you.
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Gorgeous Cities

Yaounde is among the best tourist attractions in Cameroon. Photo/YouTube
Central Africa isn’t known for its cities, but the capital of Cameroon, Yaounde, and the commercial city, Douala, are both worth a day or two of touring!
A perfect city, Yaounde is meticulously planned. It rolls across seven hills, meaning that the numerous buildings are separated by expanses of lush green and rising topography.
The city is clean and safe, and it has a variety of attractions to see, like as old monuments and museums. Coastal Douala is a fantastic spot to visit if you want to get a feel for modern Cameroon. It also has a thriving eating and nightlife scene.
Cameroon boasts over 900 species of birds and over 300 animal species according to the Ministry of Wildlife and Nature Protection.
If you are interested in exploring the best tourist attractions in Cameroon, the country has you covered. There is a diverse selection of attractions that will meet your requirements.
West African Cuisine

Cameroon food. Photo/Medmunch
Cameroon cuisine is one of the most diverse in Africa, owing to the country’s geographical location. Cameroon in the north, west, and centre of the continent.
Moreover, its geo-positioning gives it a strong French influence that dates back to the colonial era.
Although regional cuisines differ, a substantial one-course evening meal is prevalent throughout the country. A typical dish is made from maize, millet, cassava, plantains, potatoes, rice, or yams as the primary ingredients.
Water, palm wine, and millet beer are traditional mealtime beverages. Beer, soda, and wine have all increased in favour in recent years as alternatives. The rich Cameroonian cuisine forms part of the best tourist attractions in Cameroon.
If a beach vacation is on your bucket list, you can rest assured that Cameroon boasts some of the greatest beaches.
Beaches here are fabulous with crystal-clear waters and fine, sparkling-white sand. In terms of finding some of the best beaches in Cameroon, Kribi in the South area and Limbe in the Southwest region are two of the best spots to visit. Kribi is located in the southern portion of the continent.
Expansive Tea Zones
Have you ever been curious about the origins of your tea? Take a visit to the tea estates in Limbe (which also includes a botanical garden) and the Ndawara Highlands in Bamenda, and you’ll get the answers to all of your questions.
You see how the tea leaves are sorted, ground, and dried in this picturesque setting surrounded by acres of manicured tea bushes and a breathtaking mountainous backdrop.
At the conclusion of the trip, you will be treated to a cup of tea and some biscuits as a tradition. It is Cameroon’s way of saying thank you to guests.
Limbe Wildlife Centre

Limbe Wildlife Centre. Photo/Wikimedia
Limbe Wildlife Centre is an excellent example of an animal refuge. Chimpanzees, gorillas, drills, and other primates rescued live in large enclosures here.
The centre allows visitors to get up close and personal with these amazing animals. The facility is jointly operated by the Ministry of the Environment and Nature Protection and the primate charity Pandrillus.
You’ll also discover a wealth of useful information about environmental issues in the local area at the centre.
Mt Cameroon
Mt. Cameroon is a beautiful, active volcano rising 13,000 feet above sea level. It is located near Buea, the regional headquarters of the Southwest region.
Known as the “Mountain of the Sun,” Mount Cameroon is one of Africa’s most active volcanoes, with a summit that is the highest point in West Africa and the fourth-highest point in all of Africa.
The volcano has been erupting since the 5th century BC, and you can climb it if you wish. However, be aware that it still explodes once every 10 to 20 years, so be prepared.