As things in the continent rapidly change and new business models are adopted, Foodledoodle becomes one of Africa’s enchanting cloud kitchen chains courtesy of Havar Bauck, a renowned Kenyan entrepreneur.

Kenyan entrepreneur, Havar Bauck. [Photo courtesy]
A cloud kitchen capitalizes on its online ordering system which receives orders from customers and its kitchen base delivers food to the place of choice for the customer. Cloud kitchen have no dine-in facility.
With Kenya being a dynamic business hub with a growing culture of food deliveries within the capital, Nairobi and its environs, Fooddoodle, a start-up has rolled out a new brand under it based in Nairobi’s posh Kileleshwa called Chikadoodle.
Chikadoodle is an exclusive chicken outlet. It’s rolling out is on a pilot launch and proof of concept primarily focusing on chicken dishes inspired by the fact that chicken is popular in East Africa.
“As we expand, we will launch Chickadoodle from more locations in Nairobi, and very soon also in other cities across East Africa. We will also introduce other brands for other types of food,” notes Bauck.
“Each brand will be a standalone virtual restaurant chain, with its own identity features, such as a brand website and social media profiles.”
Buck further explains that both Foodledoodle and Chickadoodle names came up concurrently, through the same process, hence the similarity.
He adds that a study of the Kenyan market showed gaps in the sense that hotels all over were not making full use of their kitchens only operating at a fraction of their capacity.
For Havar and partners, they intend to maximize the full use of cloud kitchens to increase revenues and roll out a profit-sharing model between the hotel and those running the cloud kitchen.
“By leasing some of the idle capacity, we give these hotels the opportunity to increase their return on investment on the prime space and equipment that goes into building a kitchen.”
Buck holds that Nairobi is a prime pilot market for Foodldoodle “because of the high technology adoption levels, and the relative affluence compared to the rest of Africa.”
“There is a vast segment of upper-middle-class millennials, who are the primary target market for delivery food.”
Foodledoddle is also mulling the opening of several other joints through partnerships in other parts of Nairobi and Mombasa which have exhibited some level of potential for this kind of investment.
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