The African continent has a diverse array of military forces, ranging from small, underfunded militias to large, well-equipped national armies.

 Many African countries have a history of military coups, with military leaders often seizing power through force and ruling as authoritarian regimes.

A number of African countries have been involved in regional conflicts and peacekeeping missions, both within Africa and outside of the continent.

Some African militaries have been accused of committing human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings, torture, and forced disappearances.

In recent years, some African countries have invested heavily in modernizing their militaries, acquiring advanced weapons and military technology from abroad.

Several African countries have been subject to arms embargoes, either imposed by the United Nations or voluntarily adopted by regional organizations like the African Union.

A number of African countries have close military ties with foreign powers, particularly former colonial powers like France and the United Kingdom.

 Many African countries struggle to maintain a strong military presence across their territory, due to factors like difficult terrain, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of funding.

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