General al-Burhan arrived in Egypt, his first overseas trip since April's conflict began.

He met President Sisi to discuss Egypt's offer to mediate in the Sudanese conflict.

Al-Burhan expressed commitment to ending the war and bringing an end to the ongoing tragedy.

The armed forces aim to establish a genuine transitional period leading to free and fair elections for the Sudanese people to decide their rulers.

Al-Burhan's meeting with President Sisi occurred a day after he stated the regular army's intention to defeat the paramilitary forces, rejecting any deal with them.

News of intensified fighting and more deaths in South Darfur State coincided with the meeting.

The Sudanese armed forces claim to be a national entity with no aspirations for prolonged power, emphasizing a desire to end the rule and conflict.

Al-Burhan's focus was on ending the war, with no mention of potential negotiations.

The visit to Egypt follows previous diplomatic efforts and failed ceasefires brokered by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

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