Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa is seeking a second five-year term, potentially his final term according to the constitution.

Some supporters are pushing for a constitutional change to allow him to pursue a third term, which Mnangagwa seems open to considering.

Mnangagwa made a statement at a Christian gathering suggesting continuous rule could be achieved through prayers at church.

His promised transformation since taking over from Robert Mugabe hasn't materialized, leading to perceptions of unfulfilled change.

Sections of the ruling ZANU-PF party, including youth and women's wings, are advocating for a constitutional amendment to extend his rule.

Mnangagwa, previously seen as Mugabe's successor, faced exile due to Mugabe's wife's succession plans, but returned after a coup.

Despite promises to depart from Mugabe's rule, Mnangagwa's tactics and behavior resemble his predecessor's, according to political analysts.

Mnangagwa's past includes association with Mugabe's repressive actions, but he aimed to differentiate his administration from Mugabe's.

He made promises of compensation, abolished certain business ownership laws, and engaged with Western nations and international forums.

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