Africa has the fastest-growing mobile market in the world, with over 477 million mobile users as of 2020.

Mobile penetration in Africa is expected to reach 50% by 2025, which means half of the population will have a mobile phone.

Mobile money is a huge deal in Africa, with over 50% of the population using mobile money services to send and receive money.

Mobile internet usage is on the rise in Africa, with over 300 million people accessing the internet through their mobile devices.

The mobile gaming industry in Africa is growing rapidly, with more and more people playing games on their mobile phones.

Mobile health (mHealth) is becoming increasingly popular in Africa, with mobile apps and services being used to improve healthcare access and delivery.

 Mobile advertising is a big business in Africa, with companies using mobile ads to reach consumers in new and innovative ways.

Mobile education (mEducation) is also gaining traction in Africa, with mobile apps and services being used to improve access to education and training.

"You learn how to cut down trees by cutting them down." - African Proverb

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