Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that the military has entered a “second stage” in the war against Hamas by sending ground forces into Gaza and expanding attacks from the ground, air, and sea 

Israel has imposed a near-total communications blackout in Gaza, cutting off Palestinian residents from the rest of the world 2.

Thousands of civilians in Gaza broke into aid warehouses overnight, taking wheat flour and other basic survival items like hygiene supplies 1.

The UNRWA has warned that this “is a worrying sign that civil order is starting to break down” after a three-week blockade of vital supplies such as electricity 

 The Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has said that “the ground shook in Gaza” and that the war against Hamas had entered a new stage

 Israel has expanded its ground operation in Gaza, sending in tanks and infantry backed by massive strikes from the air and sea 3.

 The Israeli military has destroyed several high-rise buildings in Gaza, including one housing offices of international media outlets such as Al Jazeera and Associated Press 4.

 The United Nations Security Council has held an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in Gaza, but failed to agree on a joint statement due to opposition from the United States 

The European Union has called for humanitarian corridors and pauses in the fighting to allow aid to reach civilians affected by the conflict.

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