Is Ethiopia Safe Now? No! My Story of Getting Evacuated.

Ethiopia is unsafe for travel. Coming to Addis Ababa is unsafe. If you know me, you know I usually promote my Cape to Cairo backpacking route. You generally pass through Ethiopia.

I tried to bribe myself through the DRC border despite rebels coming to add another country to my vacation list.

The country is charming, unique, and full of potential. Ethiopians are humble, friendly, and will help anyone. Africa's best meal.

Change is rapid. Arba Minch forests were wonderful last weekend. Ethiopia's last safe tourist location. We saw hippos, crocodiles, and drank from spring leaves. Magical.

I fear divorce. Of leaving to protect my son, but my husband being unable to fly because Ethiopians have trouble getting visas.

First, for immigrants everywhere. Or not. I hope you are welcomed everywhere. People flee because their country has no opportunities. It's unsafe for their kids.

I could write a lot more, but I wanted to encourage travellers to Ethiopia to wait till it's safer. Cancel your arrangements and fly to another African country.