An Iraqi asylum seeker is challenging his deportation to Rwanda at the European Court of Human Rights.

The man, who has not been named, is one of a group of asylum seekers who were due to be deported to Rwanda on Tuesday.

However, his lawyers filed an urgent application with the ECHR, which has temporarily halted the deportations.

The ECHR said that it would give its decision on the case on Wednesday. The man's lawyers argue that his deportation would be a breach of his human rights.

 They say that he would be at risk of torture and other ill-treatment in Rwanda. The UK government has said that it is confident that the Rwanda deal is legal.

It says that Rwanda is a safe country and that asylum seekers will be treated fairly there.However, human rights groups have condemned the deal.

They say that it is a cynical attempt to outsource the UK's asylum obligations. The Rwanda deal is the first of its kind in the world.

 It is part of the UK government's efforts to deter migrants from crossing the English Channel.The deal has been controversial since it was announced in April.

It has been challenged in the courts and there have been protests against it.The UK government has said that it is determined to see the deal through.

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