Cape Verde is an archipelago of ten volcanic islands located off the coast of West Africa in the Atlantic Ocean.

The official language of Cape Verde is Portuguese, although Crioulo, a Creole language, is widely spoken.

Cape Verde is known for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and diverse marine life. It is a popular destination for tourists looking to experience the island life.

Cape Verde's economy relies heavily on tourism, remittances, and foreign aid. It is also a significant exporter of fish and seafood.

Cape Verde is considered one of the most politically stable countries in Africa, with a democratic government and a relatively low crime rate.

Cape Verde's music is known for its unique blend of African, European, and Latin American influences, and has gained popularity worldwide.

 Cape Verde has a rich cultural heritage, with a history that includes both European colonization and African slave trade.

The highest point in Cape Verde is Mount Fogo, a volcanic peak that rises to over 2,800 meters (9,000 feet).

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