Lip Plates: The Mursi women are known for wearing large clay or wooden plates in their lower lips. The tradition is believed to have originated as a way to deter slave traders, as the practice was seen as unattractive.

Scarification: The Mursi people also engage in scarification, a process of creating scars on the skin using a knife or razor blade. The practice is often done as a form of decoration or to signify important life events.

Semi-Nomadic: The Mursi people are primarily semi-nomadic pastoralists, which means that they move their livestock around in search of pasture and water.

Small Population: The Mursi Tribe is a relatively small ethnic group, with an estimated population of around 7,500 people.

 Oral Tradition: The Mursi people have a rich oral tradition, with stories and legends passed down through generations. They also have a unique system of oral history, with elders serving as keepers of historical knowledge.

 Limited Resources: The Mursi Tribe lives in a region with limited resources, including water and fertile land. This has led to conflict with neighboring tribes and the government over access to resources.

 Unique Language: The Mursi people have their own unique language, which is part of the Surmic language family.

Agriculture: Although the Mursi people are primarily pastoralists, they also engage in some agriculture, primarily growing crops such as sorghum, maize, and beans.

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