One of the most famous African epic books is the "Epic of Sundiata", which tells the story of the legendary founder of the Mali Empire.

"The Epic of Askia Mohammed" is another famous African epic, which chronicles the life of the 16th-century ruler of the Songhai Empire.

"The Epic of Son-Jara" is a West African epic that tells the story of a warrior-prince who overcomes great obstacles to become king.

The "Epic of Gilgamesh", one of the oldest surviving works of literature, has connections to Africa, as it includes references to the kingdom of Uruk, which was located in present-day Iraq but was ruled by African kings.

The "Odyssey", a Greek epic poem, has been compared to African epic traditions, as both share common themes of heroism, struggle, and the relationship between humans and the divine.

 African epics often include themes of power, kingship, and the responsibilities of rulers to their people.

Oral tradition is a common feature of African epics, with stories passed down through generations by word of mouth.

 Many African epics incorporate elements of magic and the supernatural, reflecting the belief systems of the cultures from which they originated.

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