Ghana's president Nana Akuffo Adodo discussed regional and international issues with the EU's top diplomat on Saturday (Oct. 28) in Accra.

Ghana, along with Gulf of Guinea neighbours Togo, Benin and Ivory Coast, are increasingly at risk from jihadi violence wreaking havok in the Sahel.

President Nana Akuffo Adodo emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts among nations and support from partners like the EU to mitigate the terrorist threat in the West African region.

The delivery of militarisee vehicles is officially part of aid that would later include aerial surveillance equipment and electronic warfare systems.

In a statement, the EU said the Ghana aid was part of a broader 616 million euros package to strengthen defence and security of the four coastal countries of the Gulf of Guinea.

While Ghana has not yet reported any jihadist attacks inside its territory, Benin's military say they have faced around 20 incursions from across the border since 2021. Togo has also suffered attacks on its northern frontier.

Eu foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell said EU investment would also target job creation and services especially in northern Ghana where there are concerns jihadists seek to take advantage of socio-economic dissatisfaction.

Benin has reported around 20 incursions from across the border since 2021, highlighting the growing threat of jihadist activity in the region.

The EU's investment will also focus on creating jobs and providing services, particularly in northern Ghana, to address socio-economic dissatisfaction that jihadists may seek to exploit.

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