The island of Atlantis, as described by Plato, is believed by some to have been located in the vicinity of Africa, although its exact location and existence remain a topic of speculation and debate.

The island of Buni, also known as the "Lost Island," was once situated off the coast of Tanzania in the Indian Ocean. However, due to tectonic activity and erosion, Buni Island gradually disappeared beneath the sea.

The island of Jinack, located off the coast of Gambia, experienced significant erosion and is now considered partially submerged. Rising sea levels and coastal erosion have contributed to the diminishing size of the island.

The Island of Loosha, part of the Bazaruto Archipelago off the coast of Mozambique, has been affected by coastal erosion and is slowly vanishing. The shrinking of Loosha Island is attributed to rising sea levels and the loss of protective coral reefs.

The island of Kish, situated in Lake Chad on the borders of Chad, Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon, was once inhabited by a thriving fishing community. However, due to the shrinking of Lake Chad caused by climate change and increased water demands, Kish Island has disappeared entirely.

The island of Ile Ape, located off the coast of Senegal, was gradually swallowed by the sea due to coastal erosion and rising sea levels. The disappearance of Ile Ape has had implications for local communities and ecosystems.

The island of Isle Jean-Charles, situated in the bayous of Louisiana, USA, is home to a Native American community that has been impacted by land subsidence and rising sea levels. The shrinking landmass has forced residents to consider relocating to the mainland.

The island of Thitu, part of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, is claimed by both the Philippines and China. Thitu Island has been subject to land reclamation activities, altering its natural state and raising concerns about its future existence.

The island of Pate, located off the coast of Kenya, has experienced significant coastal erosion, leading to the disappearance of certain areas and the displacement of local communities. The erosion is attributed to a combination of factors, including rising sea levels and human activities.

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