Atlas Mountains: The Atlas Mountains in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia experience cold temperatures, especially at higher altitudes. Snowfall is not uncommon during the winter months, attracting winter sports enthusiasts and offering picturesque landscapes.

Lesotho: Situated within the borders of South Africa, Lesotho is known as the "Kingdom in the Sky" due to its high elevation. The country experiences cold winters with regular snowfall, making it a popular destination for skiing and snowboarding.

Drakensberg Mountains: Located in South Africa, the Drakensberg Mountains experience colder temperatures at higher elevations. The peaks occasionally receive snowfall during the winter months, creating a stunning contrast with the surrounding landscapes.

Highveld Plateau: The Highveld region of South Africa, including cities like Johannesburg and Pretoria, has a high-altitude plateau that results in cooler temperatures compared to coastal areas. Winter nights can be particularly cold, requiring warm clothing.

Ethiopian Highlands: The Ethiopian Highlands, which include the Simien Mountains, experience colder temperatures due to their elevation. Snowfall is not uncommon on the highest peaks, and temperatures can drop significantly during the winter months.

Mount Kenya: As the second-highest peak in Africa, Mount Kenya's summit reaches an elevation where snow and ice are present year-round. Climbing Mount Kenya requires appropriate gear and preparation to withstand the cold and challenging conditions.

Rwenzori Mountains: Situated along the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Rwenzori Mountains are known for their cold climate. The higher peaks are covered in snow and glaciers, earning them the nickname "Mountains of the Moon."

Eastern Cape Highlands: The Eastern Cape Highlands in South Africa experience colder temperatures due to their higher elevation. The region is characterized by rolling hills, mountain ranges, and occasional snowfall during the winter months.

Mount Meru: Located in Tanzania, Mount Meru is a dormant volcano and the fifth-highest peak in Africa. The higher altitudes of the mountain can be quite cold, and climbers often encounter frost and icy conditions.

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