climate like in Africa make 

 Africa has a diverse climate due to its vast size, varied topography, and location straddling the equator.

The equator runs through the middle of the continent, resulting in a tropical climate in many parts of Africa.

The Sahara Desert, which covers much of North Africa, has a hot, arid climate with very little rainfall.

The Sahel, the semi-arid region that borders the southern edge of the Sahara, has a similar climate but with slightly more rainfall.

 West Africa experiences a wet and dry climate with a rainy season from May to September and a dry season from October to April.

 East Africa, including countries such as Kenya and Tanzania, has a savanna climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons.

 Central Africa has a tropical rainforest climate, with high rainfall throughout the year and consistently high temperatures.

Southern Africa has a varied climate, with arid and semi-arid regions, as well as temperate areas with a Mediterranean climate.

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