The inclusion of Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE is set to be a transformative step for BRICS, propelling its collective GDP to encompass a remarkable 36% of the global total.

BRICS' expansion not only boosts its economic prowess but also bolsters its demographic influence.

Representing nearly half (47%) of the global population, this bloc gains a stronger platform to address critical global challenges and advocate for policies that address the needs and aspirations of diverse societies.

India's proactive stance in championing the inclusion of the six new member countries underscores BRICS' core value of unity.

India's commitment to building consensus and establishing a strong foundation for cooperation exemplifies the cooperative spirit that lies at the heart of BRICS' mission.

The decision to expand and modernize BRICS is a powerful message to institutions worldwide.

It reflects the imperative for established organizations to evolve and adapt in the face of shifting geopolitical dynamics, economic uncertainties, and technological advancements.

The international interest in joining BRICS is unmistakable. A total of 22 countries submitted formal applications for membership.

This enthusiasm underscores the attractiveness of BRICS as a platform for collaboration and shared growth, and the selection process reaffirms the bloc's commitment to a structured and phased approach to expansion.

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