Authorities in Ethiopia's Amhara region have imposed a curfew on nightlife in the region's capital, Bahir Dar.

The curfew comes amid protests against a federal government decision to disband regional special forces units.

The curfew comes amid protests against a federal government decision to disband regional special forces units.

 The federal government has said that the decision to disband the special forces units is necessary to maintain stability in the country.

However, the decision has been met with anger and resentment in the Amhara region.The people of Amhara region see the decision as an attack on their autonomy.

The federal government will need to address the concerns of the people of Amhara region if it wants to avoid further unrest.

The curfew is a temporary measure, but it is a sign of the growing tensions in the region. The protests are a reminder of the complex and fragile nature of Ethiopian politics.

The federal government will need to tread carefully if it wants to avoid a full-blown crisis in the Amhara region.

The federal government will need to find a way to balance the interests of the regional governments with its own interests.

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