The city of Carthage, located in modern-day Tunisia, was one of the most powerful ancient sea cities in Africa. It was founded in the 9th century BC and was a major center of trade and commerce in the Mediterranean.

The city of Alexandria, located in Egypt, was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC. It was a major center of learning and culture, and was home to the famous Library of Alexandria.

The city of Leptis Magna, located in modern-day Libya, was a thriving Roman city in the 2nd century AD. It was known for its impressive architecture, including a massive amphitheater and a triumphal arch.

 The city of Thonis-Heracleion, located off the coast of Egypt, was an important port city in ancient times. It was believed to have been founded in the 8th century BC, and was eventually swallowed up by the sea.

The city of Axum, located in modern-day Ethiopia, was a major trading center in the ancient world. It was known for its impressive obelisks and was the capital of the Kingdom of Axum.

The city of Mogadishu, located in modern-day Somalia, was a major center of trade in the Indian Ocean. It was founded in the 10th century AD and was known for its beautiful architecture and bustling markets.

The city of Kilwa Kisiwani, located in modern-day Tanzania, was a major trading center in the 13th century AD. It was known for its impressive stone buildings and was a center of Islamic culture.

 The city of Zanzibar, located off the coast of Tanzania, was a major center of trade in the Indian Ocean. It was known for its beautiful beaches and was a center of Swahili culture.

The city of Ife, located in modern-day Nigeria, was a major center of art and culture in ancient times. It was known for its impressive sculptures and was the capital of the Kingdom of Ife.

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