The second round of trilateral negotiations surrounding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), 

which also holds immense significance for Egypt and Sudan, have ended on an inconclusive note, with Ethiopia pledging to continue talks “in good faith”.

The two-day talks, which brought together representatives from Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt to address contentious issues surrounding the GERD project on the Blue Nile, ended on Sunday in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

Ambassador Seleshi Bekele, head of the Ethiopian negotiating team, said in a statement on Sunday: “[The parties] exchanged constructive ideas on various outstanding issues … Ethiopia reiterates its commitment to continue negotiating in good faith.”

In a statement released by its Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation on Sunday, Egypt said the latest round of discussions concerning the $4.2bn dam concluded without making any significant progress.

Ethiopia, the statement noted, still opposed compromise solutions or internationally agreed-upon technical arrangements that could address its specific interests related to the GERD without encroaching upon the rights and interests of the downstream nations.

The statement added that the Egyptian negotiating team remains committed to constructive negotiations with clearly defined objectives.

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