Conflict in Sudan has persisted for four consecutive months, causing widespread suffering.

The Red Cross Secretary-General, Jagan Chapagain, calls on the international community to provide more funds to help Sudanese people.

Only 7% of the $45 million appeal for aid has been received so far.

Chapagain emphasizes the urgent need for global solidarity and generosity, citing the example of assistance during the Ukraine conflict.

Over 3.4 million people have been internally displaced, and more than one million have crossed into neighboring countries due to the conflict.

Egypt has received over 250,000 Sudanese refugees as of August 1st.

The operation of the Egyptian border has become more organized, with a decrease in the number of people crossing daily compared to the initial influx.

Despite improvements, challenges remain in managing the flow of people across the border.

The conflict in Sudan began in April, stemming from tensions between the military and paramilitaries, resulting in open fighting in various cities including Khartoum.

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