The African savanna is a vast grassland ecosystem that covers almost half of Africa.

 It is home to some of the world's most iconic animals, such as lions, zebras, and giraffes.

 The savanna is characterized by a dry season and a rainy season, with most of the rainfall occurring during the latter.

The grasses in the savanna are adapted to survive wildfires, which are a natural occurrence in the ecosystem.

The savanna is also home to many different types of trees, such as acacias and baobabs.

The African savanna is an important source of food and livelihood for many local communities, who rely on the land for agriculture and grazing.

 However, the savanna is also under threat from human activities such as deforestation and overgrazing.

 Climate change is also affecting the African rainy lands, with changes in rainfall patterns and increased droughts.

Despite the challenges, the African rainy lands remain a vital and beautiful part of the continent's landscape.

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