Culture The Beauty of Africa

5 Traits of the Most Arrogant Tribe in Uganda

most arrogant tribe in uganda
Written by See Africa Today

Political and economic dominance coupled with a lofty history places the Banyankole people as the most arrogant tribe in Uganda. This perception remains unchanged decades later. From the look of it, this ‘arrogance’ tag has more decades to cover. Uganda is such an amusing country known for its unique cultural practices. Traditional kingdoms such as the Bunyoro Kingdom, Busoga Kingdom and Toro Kingdom still exist in a merely cultural and ceremonial capacity.

However, the reality of one tribe out of its 56 tribes earning a rude title as prideful is shocking. This article examines why the Banyakole tribe is profiled as arrogant. So, read on and find out the truth.

Is Banyankole the Most Arrogant Tribe in Uganda?

History and current talk suggest that the Banyankole is the most arrogant tribe in Uganda. It’s a big irony because Ugandan women have a towering reputation as the most respectful women in East Africa. In fact, Kenyan men have numerously come under fire from their Kenyan women for showing a little too much interest in Ugandan damsels. They say that the respect Ugandan women accord their men is charming enough to consider marrying from Uganda. How then is it that the second-biggest Ugandan tribe is the most arrogant?

why kenyan men love ugandan women

Ugandan woman. Photo/Walter Photography

Here is a little history about this tribe. They account for 9.5% of the total Ugandan population. Also known as the Ankole or Nkole people, they come second in terms of population after the Baganda, who are the major tribe accounting for 17% of Uganda’s population. The Ankole live in the southwestern part of the country, where they practice large-scale farming and cattle rearing.

They have excelled in agriculture so much that they hold a sizeable share in Uganda’s agricultural economics. This success boils down to their huge political influence despite being the second-largest tribe. Ankole people are assertive, confident and stubborn to a good extent. Some Ugandans say that it’s a genetic trait for Ankole to always bulldoze their ideas into anything they set their eyes on.

Here is the deal breaker they cite. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is an Ankole. His governance style and refusal to let go of the presidency 39 years later explains how assertive and stubborn the Banyankole are. Do you now see why the Banyankole are thought to be the most arrogant tribe in Uganda?

How Museveni Ended Up Ruling Uganda

President Museveni took over the reins of power in 1986. He successfully rebelled against President Milton Obote’s rule. Museveni led a well-organised guerrilla war through the National Resistance Army (NRM) and captured the capital, Kampala. The military that Museveni led overthrew Obote whose tenure was marred by gross cases of human rights violations and election malpractices. The 80-year-old has since ruled Uganda with his fist since 1986 and he isn’t ready to exit the stage.

Banyankole tribe

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, Photo/ REUTERS/Abubaker Lubowa

Opposition leaders such as Kizza Besigye and Robert Kyangulanyi alias Bobi Wine have unsuccessfully tried to unseat Museveni. However, their respective presidential bids are always met with violence, incarceration and torture. Perhaps, Museveni’s dictatorial approach in dealing with his political rivals is a big reason why the Banyakole rank as the most arrogant tribe in Uganda.

What is the Wisest Tribe in Uganda?

The Basoga hold the prestige of being Uganda’s wisest tribe. Basoga people have wide Knowledge in theory and in practice about their oral traditions. Their performance arts are full of vibrant troupes of music, dance, drama riddles, songs and hymns. Further, they are skilled at recounting history, folktales and traditions of the council in the form of lengthy proverbs and creeds with connotations of moral and ethical counsel.

In addition, are innovators and excellent leaders on every level. Their cultural practices embrace education both, formal and informal. At least, they do not hold the reputation of the most arrogant tribes in Uganda.

What is the Poorest Tribe in Uganda?

The Batwa people are the poorest tribe in Uganda, a fact occasioned by their eviction from their ancestral forest lands in Bwindi and Mgahinga in the 1990s to make way for parks. They were hunters and gatherers who came under pressure from the white settlers to cease their way of life. This left them without a sustainable means of supporting themselves.

Furthermore, their hunting and gathering lifestyle has denied them quality education and jobs. They do not engage in any meaningful economic activity. Most Ugandan tribes have assimilated the Batwa and this is slowly driving the tribe to extinction.

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See Africa Today