most notable natural resources found in Africa

Oil: Many African countries have significant oil reserves, with the largest producers including Nigeria, Angola, and Algeria.

Gas: In addition to oil, many African countries also have significant natural gas reserves, particularly in North Africa and the East African Rift region.

Minerals: Africa is rich in minerals, including diamonds (produced in countries such as Botswana, South Africa, and Angola), gold (produced in countries such as South Africa, Ghana, and Tanzania), and copper (produced in countries such as Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo).

Timber: Africa has significant forests, particularly in Central Africa, that provide valuable timber resources.

Fisheries: Many African countries have extensive fisheries that support the livelihoods of millions of people and contribute to their economies.

Wildlife: Africa is home to some of the world's most iconic wildlife species, including elephants, lions, giraffes, and gorillas, which provide significant tourism opportunities.

Water: The Nile River, which runs through several African countries, is the world's longest river and provides water resources for millions of people.

Fertile soil: Africa has significant areas of fertile soil, particularly in the savannah regions, that are well-suited for agriculture.

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